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SAFE LANDing through enhanced ground support

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Data Management Plan

The Data Management Plan describes the data management life cycle for the data collected, processed and generated by the project. The Deliverable is the outcome of T6.1.

Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation Report

This Deliverable will consist in a structured collection of all the Communication Dissemination and Exploitation material prepared by the project such as brochures leaflets papers journal articles The Deliverable is the outcome of T51 T52 and T53

Final Concept

This deliverable will describe the final version of the SAFELAND concept of operation with the related procedures and with the implementation options selected. The deliverable is the outcome of T2.4.

Final Project result report

This report will summarise the main project results and lessons learnt The report will also contain a publishable summary of the entire action and a Section discussing the transition to subsequent development stages including a self assessment of the maturity This Deliverable is the outcome of T62

Compatibility with Clean Sky and SESAR

This Deliverable will contain the analysis of the compatibility with complementary projects investigating how to manage the single plot incapacitation in Clean Sky and the airborne support function of SESAR The Deliverable is the outcome of T53

Final Evaluation Results & New Systems

This deliverable will integrate and synthesize the results of all the evaluation exercises providing final conclusions of the evaluation and identifying possible remaining open issues A separated section will contain a description of the high level functionalities and information architecture of the additional systems that could support the ground personnel in the management of the flight The Deliverable is the outcome of T44


Toward single pilot operations: A conceptual framework to manage in-flight incapacitation

Autoren: Ana P. G. Martins; Teemu Joonas Lieb; Max Friedrich; Stefano Bonelli; Marcello Celori; Aurora De Bortoli Vizioli; Giuseppe Contissa; Francesco Godano; Galileo Sartor; Laurence Rognin; Supathida Boonsong; Martin Christiansson; Pasquale Junior Capasso; Ricardo JN Reis; José Ricardo Parizi Negrão; Andreas Triska
Veröffentlicht in: SESAR Innovation Days, 2021
Herausgeber: SESAR JU publications
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6303446

The Ground Station Operator in Single Pilot Operations – Active or Passive role?

Autoren: Ana P G Martins, Joonas Lieb, Max Friedrich
Veröffentlicht in: 2022
Herausgeber: AHFE Open Access
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1002497

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