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An augmented intelligence-enabled stimulating framework for deep energy renovation delivering occupant-centered innovations

Project description

Effective, affordable tools to boost building renovation

Europe’s building stock, which includes both residential and commercial buildings, is responsible for nearly half of the EU's primary energy consumption and more than a third of its CO2 emissions. The EU-funded RINNO project aims to facilitate deep renovation of the building stock by addressing major technical and socio-economic barriers: it will offer a portfolio of innovative technologies, improved processes supported by an on-line platform and software tools, as well as new business models. RINNO is expected to improve the EU’s inefficient building stock by capturing 0.2 % of the renovation market and deliver primary energy savings of 165 GWh/year; total cost reductions of 30 %, a time reduction of 20 %, and carbon savings of 40 400 tons CO2-eq/year. RINNO’s renovation roadmap will be demonstrated at four large-scale (3 386m2) pilots.


RINNO envisions to deliver a framework solution that will help drastically accelerating the rate of deep renovation in EU building stock reaching an ambitious annual renovation rate of 3.5%. Its ultimate goal is to develop, validate and demonstrate an operational interface with augmented intelligence and an occupant-centered approach that will streamline and facilitate the whole lifecycle of building renovation (planning-design, retrofitting, monitoring). This concept has at its foundation, a set of cost-attractive, environmentally friendly, multi-functional and easily applicable building-related innovations, grouped into: a) plug-n-play, modular building envelope solutions and b) RES, hybrid and storage solutions. RINNO couples the above with innovative retrofitting processes, methods and tools, characterized by low tenants’ disruption. These comprise: efficient (off/on-site) construction strategies, on-the-job AR facilitating environment and multi-stakeholder collaboration, which are expected to shrink the time and cost required for deep renovation, while improving buildings’ performance; all with a short payback period of about 5 years. The above will be supported businesswise with novel business models aligned with the circular economy principles, enriched with investment de-risking tools and advanced crowd-equity/crowd-lending schemes. RINNO is expected to impact the EU inefficient building stock by a) reaching an ambitious annual renovation rate of 3.5%; b) primary energy savings of 165 GWh/year; c) a reduction of electricity cost by at least 30%; d) a total cost / time reduction in comparison with typical renovation by more than 30% and 40% respectively, and e) an estimated reduction of 40,400 tons CO2-eq/year. RINNO optimized renovation roadmap will be demonstrated at 4 large scale (3,386m2) pilot use cases after being pre-piloted, covering different EU climatic zones and markets of diverse maturity in the renovation sector.

Call for proposal


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Sub call



Net EU contribution
€ 341 600,00
16129 Genova

See on map

Nord-Ovest Liguria Genova
Activity type
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Total cost
€ 488 000,00

Participants (19)