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Handbook for replication purposes of the SUPERHEERO interventions at the demonstrators
Summary of capacity building actions for diffusing acquired knowledgeReport of capacity building actions focussed to create awareness of the importance of promoting and implementing finance schemes for energy savings goals
Financial, circular economy and customer reaction assessmentTecnoeconomic evaluation based on the circular economy principles productsservice business models circular procurement etc Also a customer survey will be included to evaluate the reactions of the project financial profitability
Analysis of policy framework and barriersReport describing national and local policy framework in Italy and Spain in particular regarding incentives for energy efficiency renovation and potential barriers to the realization of projects
Definition of a legal act linked to SUPER-HEERODrafting and sharing of a legal act MoU Action Plan or other to be defined among relevant project stakeholders to define the actions to be implemented to pursue the same objective of SUPERHEERO
SUPER-HEERO Reward strategiesList of reward mechanisms to be implemented in the pilot sites that includes the monetary bonus collection use destination yearly sustainability challenge and relative prize
Financial and legal assessments of the SUPER-HEERO schemesReport outlining the outcome of of the legal and fiscal analysis of the SUPERHEERO schemes for applicability in Italy and Spain
SUPER-HEERO Best Practice Guidelines to be applied in other sectorsDelivery of a series of best practices guidelines to be used and applied in other highenergydemanding sectors wishing to implement a similar programme of finance support
Energy, economic and social assessmentThe energy assessment methodology will include results of the energy and CO2 emissions savings during and at the end of the project based on a measurement and verification plan On the other hand the economic assessment methodology will evaluate economic savings based on the energy savings and on specific systems and zones considered taking into account investment maintenance costs operational costs discounted payback period etc Finally social impacts assessments will be evaluated based on a list of corrective actions proposed
Guidelines for the implementation and financing of EE Measures in SupermarketsList of stateoftheart financial measures for small scale supermarkets based on literature review
Technical Report on SUPER-HEERO replication potential in other sectorsThis deliverable will take the key lessons learnt from the engineering and implementation of the SUPERHEERO financial instruments as well as the experience from the target pilot case studies through WPs 1 2 3 and extrapolate them to show how the programme could be replicated in other highenergydemanding sectors
Guidelines for supermarket customer awareness-raising strategies in energy, environmental and social topicsThe report in the form of guidelines includes possible strategies and policies to guide consumer choices in the world of organized food distribution supermarkets to make them more responsible and aware The guidelines will be focused both on the sustainability of the supermarket as a physical place where purchases take place and on the issue of more sustainable purchases The aim of the guidelines is to guide demand to induce supply to adapt and to shift the consumers focus to more sustainable responsible and aware purchases
Roadmap for SUPER-HEERO to contribute to achieving the EU's objectivesDevelopment of a roadmap to demonstrate how SUPERHEERO can be used as a catalyst to achieve the energy EUs objectives in the medium and long term
Dissemination and Communication Plan- this will detail all proposed dissemination and communication activities and all activities that have taken placeAt the beginning of the project Sustainable Innovations will present a primary Communication and Dissemination plan that will contain the main strategy for the project lifetime as well as the expected activities to be carried out throughout the project This CD plan is subject to be modified along the process as time passes by milestones are achieved and news are to be produced within the consortium work
SUPER-HEERO Energy Efficiency Interventions market and technological catalogueCatalogue that compiles in a simple and userfriendly what the technologies identified by the partners in Task 22 and which describes the technology partner program
Collection of advertising materials producedDocument describing the set of materials produced for advertising campaigns for clients awareness about the Energy savings in supermarkets
SUPER-HEERO Renovation Measure catalogue for SupermarketsList of stateoftheart EE renovation practices for small scale supermarkets based on literature review
Report on round-table consultation for advertising campaignDocument summarizing the main issues discussed during theround table and highlighting the main proposals and ideas raised from the participants during the activity which may help the consortium to complete the output
The first project video will summarize the scope of the project its main goals and objective with the goal of raising awareness about the project M6The second project video will present the work performed during the project and the final results expected M25
Training web-platformDevelopment of an online platform to support the capacity building of relevant stakeholders
SUPER-HEERO newslettersThis deliverable will include the SUPERHEERO newsletter produced by SIE to communicate the developments and implementation of the project in collaboration with ZEROE and VER As the newsletter will be issued every 6 months this deliverable will be updated to include all the released newsletters
SUPER-HEERO Web platformCrowdfunding platform dedicated to supermarkets and retail associated directly to the Super Heero brand and image utilizing the E2C back end engine and platform to be in line with regulatory requirements.
Share of raw data collected from pilot sites
Giorgio Bonvinci, Sara Abd Alla, Nora Ganzinelli, Cristina Barbero, Thomas Messervey
Veröffentlicht in:
Proceedings of 2023 International Conference on Green Building, 2023, Seite(n) 77-83, ISBN 978-3-031-43478-5
Springer, Cham
Gabriele Fregonese, Cristina Boaretto, Carlo Erittu, Giovanni Vicentini, Giulia Canilli, Thomas Messervey, Cristina Barbero, Simone Buffa
Veröffentlicht in:
Open Research Europe
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