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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Chemistry and structure of aminogen radicals using chirped-pulse Fourier transform (sub)millimeter rotational spectroscopy


Suche nach dem interstellaren Glycin-Vorläufer in unserem Weltall mithilfe von Kohlenstoffchemie

Organische Moleküle sind im interstellaren Medium (ISM) und an anderen Orten in unserem Universum reichlich vorhanden. Ein besseres Verständnis des Ursprungs von organischen Molekülen, ihrer Entwicklung und ihrer Reise von den frühen Molekülwolken zur Erde wird einen Einblick in die Entstehung des Lebens auf unserem und möglicherweise anderen Planeten geben. Methylamin (CH3NH2) ist das einfachste Amin und gilt als Vorstufe von interstellarem Glycin – einer von 22 Aminosäuren, die alle unsere Proteine bilden. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt CP-FTmmW Aminogen charakterisiert die Molekülstruktur und die chemischen Eigenschaften von zwei Zwischenprodukten, welche durch die Gewinnung von Wasserstoffatomen aus CH3NH2 mithilfe von ultraviolettem Licht oder Oxidation entstehen. Obwohl diese Prozesse im interstellaren Medium und in der Erdatmosphäre üblich sind, wurde keines dieser Produkte direkt im interstellaren Medium beobachtet oder entdeckt. Messungen werden Forschenden helfen, nach ihrer Existenz im interstellaren Medium zu suchen.


To elucidate our understanding of amine chemistry in the interstellar medium (ISM), we propose a two-year project to study the physical and chemical properties of CH3NH and CH2NH2, the two simplest substituted aminogen radicals, using the state-of-the-art chirped pulse Fourier transform (sub)millimeter rotational spectroscopy. Amines are important N-bearing molecules in the ISM and planetary atmospheres, as well as a trace molecule released to the Earth's atmosphere via various human activities. The simplest prime amine, CH3NH2, is proposed to be the precursors of interstellar glycine, the simplest amino acid. The physical and chemical properties of CH3NH and CH2NH2, however, are far from well understood. CH3NH and CH2NH2 are the intermediate products formed during the H-abstraction of CH3NH2 by UV photolysis or oxidation, which are important processes both in the ISM and in the Earth's atmosphere.
These two radicals, however, are not directly observed in the H-abstraction process, neither have they been discovered in the ISM. Direct measurement of these radicals via rotational spectroscopy will provide us with detailed information about their molecular structure and chemical properties, which can be further used to search for their existence in the ISM, to study the reaction dynamics of H-abstraction of CH3NH2, and to determining their molecular structure and internal motions. The results will improve our understanding of the role of CH3NH2 in the chemistry of N-bearing molecules in the ISM and in planetary atmospheres. In this proposal, we will elaborate the approach and the implementation of the objective of the direct measurement of CH3NH and CH2NH2. Support information about the researcher, the supervisor, and the host institution is also provided.


€ 196 707,84
59000 Lille

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Hauts-de-France Nord-Pas de Calais Nord
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 196 707,84