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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Climatic impacts of volcaninc ash electrification

Descripción del proyecto

Modelización de los efectos de la electrificación en el ciclo de vida de la ceniza volcánica

Las grandes erupciones volcánicas tienen efectos de gran calado en el clima mundial. Liberan grandes cantidades de CO2 e inyectan partículas de ceniza y gases ricos en azufre en la troposfera y la estratosfera. Esto es lo que se conoce como «niebla atmosférica». Mediciones recientes desde el espacio muestran que la capa de aerosol de la estratosfera es en realidad una mezcla de sulfatos y cenizas expulsados en erupciones. En el proyecto ElectricVolcano, financiado con fondos europeos, se investigarán los procesos desconocidos responsables de la permanencia prolonga de las cenizas volcánicas en la estratosfera y se evaluará su impacto climático. Gracias a la combinación de técnicas de teledetección, teorías detalladas de carga de aerosoles y modelos atmosféricos exhaustivos, se comprobará si las cargas eléctricas del penacho volcánico son las responsables de mantener la ceniza volcánica en el aire.


Volcanic eruptions affect the Earth’s climate by altering radiation balance through the injection of aerosols in the stratosphere. Conventional knowledge assumes that volcanic influences on climate are mediated by sulfate aerosols only. Recent space-based measurements, however, have challenged this assumption by providing definite evidence that the stratospheric aerosol layer is actually a mixture of sulfates and ash for many months after the eruption. This project aims to understand the unknown processes responsible for the prolonged residence time of the volcanic ash in the stratosphere and to assess its climatic impact. Our main hypothesis is that electric charges of the volcanic plume are responsible for keeping volcanic ash aloft. Charge separation in the volcanic plume induces a local electric field and a force that counteracts the ash particle weight, thus reducing its settling velocity and prolonging its lifetime. ElectricVolcano will combine state-of-art remote sensing techniques, detailed aerosol charging theories and comprehensive atmospheric modelling to provide for the first time a thorough assessment of the impact of electrification on the life cycle of volcanic ash in the stratosphere. Through cutting edge inter-interdisciplinary research, the project produces a step change in the way volcanic eruptions are treated by modelling centers and inter-comparison studies, with the potential to significantly reduce uncertainties in natural forcing and near-term predictions. Carefully-designed research and training activities, combined with the world-class excellence on aerosol-electrification research of the Host Institute, guarantee the success of the proposed project. ElectricVolcano provides new knowledge, tools and resources to the Experienced Researcher for expanding significantly his research horizon and boosting his professional independence.


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 165 085,44
11810 Athina

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Αττική Aττική Κεντρικός Τομέας Αθηνών
Tipo de actividad
Research Organisations
Coste total
€ 165 085,44