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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Weighted Spintronic-Nano-Oscillator-based Neuromorphic Computing System Assisted by laser for Cognitive Computing

Descripción del proyecto

A toda velocidad hacia un ordenador parecido al encéfalo, más potente que cualquier otro

A lo largo de la historia, la humanidad ha dedicado grandes esfuerzos a desarrollar máquinas y herramientas que puedan imitar las funciones humanas, permitiendo a las personas liberarse de algunas tareas arduas o sobrepasando su capacidad de realizarlas en lo que respecta al tiempo o la escala. Uno de los grandes obstáculos es el desarrollo de ordenadores que puedan imitar al encéfalo humano en los ámbitos de la potencia de cálculo, el aprendizaje y la eficacia energética. El término «cómputo neuromórfico» se acuñó hace más de treinta años y los dispositivos neuromórficos constituyen un intento por imitar aspectos de la arquitectura y la dinámica del encéfalo para alcanzar estos objetivos. El proyecto SpinAge, financiado con fondos europeos, desarrollando un novedoso sistema de cómputo neuromórfico aprovechando tecnologías punta que podría permitir mejorar el rendimiento de los sistemas actuales al menos en cuatro órdenes de magnitud y nos acerca más que nunca a imitar el encéfalo con un ordenador.


The brain is a highly complex, high performance and low energy computing system due to its massive parallelism and intertwined network, which outperforms the current computers by orders of magnitudes, especially for cognitive computing applications. A large effort has been made into understanding the computing and mimicking the brain into an artificial implementation, so-called neuromorphic computing that has received much attention thanks to the advances in novel nanoscale technologies. The current implementation of the neuromorphic computing systems (NCS) using Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (CMOS) technologies has 5-6 orders of magnitude lower performance (operation/sec/Watt/cm3) compared to the brain. Spintronic devices, using the spin of the electron instead of its charge, have been considered one of the most promising approaches for implementing not only memories but also NCSs leading to a high density, high speed, and energy-efficiency. The main goal of SpinAge is to realize a novel NCS enabling large-scale development of brain-inspired devices outclassing the performance of current computing machines. This will be achieved by the novel structures using spintronics and memristors, on-chip laser technology, nano electronics and finally advanced integration of all these technologies. We expect this unprecedented combination of emerging technologies will lead to at least 4-5 orders of magnitude better performance than the state-of-the-art CMOS-based NCSs.
The approach taken in SpinAge is to implement synaptic neurons using novel nanoscale weighted spin-based nano-oscillators, assisted by a low-energy laser pulse irradiation from an integrated plasmonic laser chip, integrated all with the CMOS interfacing electronics for a proof-of-concept of a 16x16 NCS for cognitive computing applications. Our breakthrough platform technology will demonstrate EU leadership of advanced neuromorphic computing.

Palabras clave

Convocatoria de propuestas


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Régimen de financiación

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 1 122 648,75
8000 Aarhus C

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Danmark Midtjylland Østjylland
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 1 122 648,75

Participantes (6)