Description du projet
Apprendre comment réinventer la batterie
Le projet DESTINY, financé par l’UE et le programme MSCA et coordonné par le CNRS français, contribuera considérablement à l’augmentation du niveau d’éducation dans le domaine des batteries. DESTINY formera 50 doctorants à repenser la découverte et l’ingénierie des matériaux de batteries, au développement de batteries et de fonctionnalités intelligentes et à l’application de technologies avancées dans cette industrie. Les candidats seront formés à la pointe de la recherche européenne sur les batteries, leur permettant ainsi de tirer parti des technologies innovantes. Il mettra en œuvre une formation avancée en collaboration avec l’initiative européenne de recherche à grande échelle BATTERY 2030+, avec le développement combiné d’une plateforme d’accélération des matériaux et la création d’un génome d’interface de batteries, pour inventer les batteries ultra performantes du futur. Les doctorants formés par DESTINY soutiendront l’établissement de l’industrie des batteries en Europe. 40 institutions issues de l’Institut de recherche européenne ALISTORE‑ERI sont partenaires dans le cadre de DESTINY.
"In the global context of the launched ""European Battery Alliance"" and ""European Technology & Innovation Platform, Batteries Europe"", many Universities, Research Centres and supporting organisations have agreed to build the Battery 2030+ consortium as an ambitious European initiative for long-term research on ultra-performant batteries, with a clear focus on addressing obstacles preventing future batteries to reach their true potential.
The MSCA COFUND DP project DESTINY will contribute substantially to the launching of this initiative at the education level through its advanced DP training adhering to key research areas of the Battery 2030+ long-term roadmap, including the development of a materials acceleration platform (MAP) and the establishment of the battery interface genome (BIG), combined as BIG-MAP. DESTINY will also contribute to short-to-medium term roadmaps identified by Batteries Europe so as to bring know-how and new emerging technologies for the future, for both industrial and academic professionals.
DESTINY is a DP programme coordinated by the French CNRS, that will create a paradigm change in battery research, in line with the new European context. The 5-year project will train 50 PhDs on: 1) Reinvent battery materials discovery and engineering, 2) Develop smart batteries and functionalities 3) Implement new technologies in industry. All of these benefit from the combined excellence of the DESTINY consortium : 40 partners from 12 European countries, including Universities, Research Centres, Large Scale Facilities and 8 Companies. All candidates will be trained at the very forefront of battery research to enable them to accelerate and exploit novel technologies from a solid basis of knowledge and skills. Interdisciplinary competences and skills will be favoured through the complementarity within DESTINY. In addition, DESTINY includes a broad set of trainings in transferable skills: personal effectiveness, research governance and entrepreneurship."
Champ scientifique
Régime de financement
MSCA-COFUND - Co-funding of regional, national and international programmes (COFUND)Coordinateur
75794 Paris