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Optical Real-Time Anatomical Tracking- Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery

Descrizione del progetto

Sistema di monitoraggio in tempo reale per la chirurgia vertebrale

La precisione di navigazione è un fattore determinante nella chirurgia vertebrale in quanto il successo dell’intervento dipende da pochi millimetri. I sistemi di navigazione esistenti creano la mappa anatomica soltanto all’inizio dell’operazione e seguono il movimento del solo strumento chirurgico. Il progetto Optics-MISS, finanziato dall’UE, propone l‘adozione del profondo «sistema di navigazione vertebrale» della salute, che utilizza videocamere 3D e algoritmi basati sull’IA, per registrare i pazienti ottenendo automaticamente le loro scansioni TC e RMI vertebrali preoperatorie. Dopo il completamento della registrazione dei pazienti, al chirurgo vengono forniti in tempo reale i dettagli completi della parte anatomica target. La chirurgia guidata dalle immagini elimina il rischio di danni e comporta risultati più sicuri e di maggiore successo. Si tratta del primo e unico sistema che monitora la struttura anatomica del paziente in tempo reale.


The PathKeeper’s Spine Navigation System uses machine vision 3D cameras and AI-based algorithms to automatically match patients’ preoperative spine CT or MRI scans to images taken in the operating room, a process called registration. Once the patient is registered, the surgeon can see the exact location of their surgical tools relative to the anatomy. Using the computer, the surgeon can see exactly where the target anatomy is, like using GPS to navigate while driving. Image-guided surgery allows surgeons to avoid damaging critical anatomy like the spinal cord and major blood vessels. Image guidance from machine vision results in safer surgery for patients. Navigation accuracy is crucial in spine surgeries, where a few millimeters can be the difference between a good outcome and major surgical complications. Current Navigation systems in the market, create the anatomical map only once at the first stage of the operation and track the movement of only the surgery tool. PathKeeper solution is the first and only system that tracks the patient's anatomy in real-time throughout the surgery. Real-time tracking not only ensure higher precision and better safety, but it also enables new clinical application which requires higher accuracy (e.g. cervical spine procedures), real-time anatomical correction (e.g. tumor removal). Minimally invasive spine surgery (MISS) is a type of surgery that uses smaller incisions than standard surgery. This often causes less harm to nearby muscles and other tissues. For MIS procedures PathKeeper is developing a miniature 3D camera attached to the retractor tube, which uses the smaller opening to keep registration functioning. PathKeeper is a medical device company developing innovative surgical guidance systems and is dedicated to addressing the unmet needs of spine surgical navigation systems for surgeons and patients. PathKeeper has developed the first Machine-vision Image Guided Surgery system that allows improved spine surgery.

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Meccanismo di finanziamento

SME-2 - SME instrument phase 2


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 631 000,00
7630516 Rechovot

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L’organizzazione si è definita una PMI (piccola e media impresa) al momento della firma dell’accordo di sovvenzione.

Tipo di attività
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Costo totale
€ 3 540 125,00

Partecipanti (1)