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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

SIlicon Optomechanical optoellectronic Microwave Oscillator

Descripción del proyecto

Los osciladores de microondas con componentes fotónicos de silicio, más cerca de la comercialización

Las fuentes de microondas de alta calidad son útiles para diferentes aplicaciones, como los radares, las redes inalámbricas y los satélites. En concreto, los osciladores optoelectrónicos presentan muchas ventajas en comparación con sus homólogos electrónicos, como la inmunidad a las interferencias electromagnéticas, el bajo peso, la compactibilidad y el transporte a larga distancia. El proyecto SIOMO, financiado con fondos europeos, tiene como objetivo comercializar un oscilador optoelectrónico de microondas con componentes fotónicos de silicio basado en la optomecánica de cavidades que se demostró recientemente en el proyecto PHENOMEN. Este oscilador de microondas, que no se retroalimenta a sí mismo, presenta unas cifras de ruido notablemente bajas a frecuencias de gigahercios.


High-quality microwave sources are required in multiple applications (radar, wireless networks, satellites, etc.). Typically, low-noise microwave oscillators are made by applying frequency multiplication to an electronic source. This requires a cascade of frequency-doubling stages, which strongly reduces the power of the final signal. Recently, different techniques to produce microwave tones via optical means have been proposed. The resulting device is an optoelectronic oscillator (OEO), with many advantages with respect to its electronic counterparts (immunity to EM interference, low weight, compactness, long-distance transport, etc).
In the FET-Open project PHENOMEN, partner UPV designed and demonstrated a novel optomechanical cavity on a silicon chip displaying, for the first time, a localized mechanical mode at frequencies around 4 GHz within a full phononic bandgap and with a large OM coupling rate. By pumping the cavity with a blue-detuned laser, a high-Q microwave tone at f = 3.874 GHz is created at driving power of the order of 1mW. The noise figure of this OEO becomes as low as -101 dBc/Hz at 100 kHz, which is a remarkable good value for an OEO oscillating at GHz frequencies without any feedback mechanism. In addition, stronger pumping of the cavity enables the generation of multiple harmonics, thus reaching microwave frequencies above 10 GHz. Therefore, with the advantages of extreme compactness and Silicon-technology compatibility, this approach is a very promising candidate to build ultraweight OEOs, highly appropriate for space applications. Notably, the use of photonic technologies in space is one of the main activities of partner DAS.
SIOMO aims at turning a silicon-photonics optoelectronic oscillator based on cavity optomechanics - recently demonstrated in the FET-Open project PHENOMEN by partner UPV - into a genuine economic innovation by addressing its technological transfer to the space sector via partner DAS.

Convocatoria de propuestas


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Convocatoria de subcontratación


Régimen de financiación

CSA - Coordination and support action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 43 000,00
46022 Valencia

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Este Comunitat Valenciana Valencia/València
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 43 000,00

Participantes (1)