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Biohybrid Synapses for Interactive Neuronal Networks

Description du projet

Des dispositifs biohybrides pour étudier les synapses neuronales

De nombreux troubles neurodégénératifs émergent de connexions neuronales défectueuses dans le cerveau, ce qui se traduit par une mauvaise communication neuronale. Pour étudier l’activité électrique et la connectivité des réseaux neuronaux, l’initiative BRAIN-ACT financée par l’UE compte développer des dispositifs biohybrides interactifs qui coupleront des réseaux neuronaux biologiques à des neurones artificiels organiques. Les dispositifs générés incorporeront des matériaux électroactifs et permettront pour la première fois aux neurones d’interagir avec le dispositif. Les résultats fourniront des informations importantes sur le comportement dynamique et la plasticité des synapses, ouvrant la voie aux dispositifs neuromorphiques pour servir de matériaux implantables dans le cerveau.


BRAIN-ACT aims to develop the next generation of interactive biohybrid devices which will couple biological neuronal networks to organic artificial neurons. For the first time, neurons will interact with the device by active mechanical reshaping which will transduce in the maintenance of the electrical network connection strength (long term potentiation –LTP). This will be achieved by a) processing dynamic electroactive materials b) engineering the neuromorphic abiotic surface with biological synaptic receptors and c) intergrate an in vitro biohybrid synapses array to investigate the interplay at the interface between neuronal cells and their synaptic activity with dynamic electrically-smart materials.
BRAIN-ACT will pave the way for a new class of chip-based smart bioelectronic devices which will ‘have a shape of a neuron and act like a neuron’.
Over 10 million people are affected by neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s worldwide and show significant loss of functionalities in their daily life. Those are mainly related to faulty connections within the brain which reflects neuronal miscommunication regulated by billions of individual connections among pairs called synapses. The ability of synapses to strengthen or weaken over time, in response to increases or decreases in their activity is called synaptic plasticity and is regulated through electrical and biomechanical signals exchanged by neurons pairs. In vitro bioelectronic platforms have been devoted to monitor and stimulate those signals across neuronal network areas to characterize electrical activity and connectivity in a passive manner.
BRAIN-ACT will revolutionize the study of in vitro neuronal networks through active mechanical reshaping to establish optimal electrical signal exchange among neuronal cells. More broadly, the proposed project will define the fundamental conditions to unleash the potential of neuromorphic devices as implantable materials in to the brain.

Régime de financement

ERC-STG - Starting Grant

Institution d’accueil

Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 166 649,50
52428 Julich

Voir sur la carte

Nordrhein-Westfalen Köln Düren
Type d’activité
Research Organisations
Coût total
€ 1 166 649,50

Bénéficiaires (3)