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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Co-creation better SME support through improving the process of investments in innovative ideas

Description du projet

Aider les PME à lancer de nouveaux produits innovants

En tant que moteurs de l’économie européenne, les PME contribuent à poser les bases de l’innovation. C’est pourquoi il est important de s’assurer que les conditions et les outils de soutien appropriés sont en place. De nombreuses PME lancent des technologies et des produits nouveaux et innovants, mais elles se heurtent souvent à des obstacles financiers. Or, les agences pour l’innovation (AI) peuvent les aider à les surmonter grâce à de nouvelles méthodes susceptibles de stimuler leur développement. Le projet INNOINVEST, financé par l’UE, améliorera les processus d’investissement en facilitant la coopération entre les PME et des entreprises de plus grande envergure. Cela se fera par l’intermédiaire de quatre agences pour l’innovation grâce à l’amélioration des processus d’investissement, à une validation solide de la gestion et des propositions, au retour d’informations de la part des investisseurs potentiels, à une expertise minutieuse et à l’utilisation de la méthodologie «twinning+». Un document d’options de conception sera rédigé et mis en œuvre par les AI.


The main goal of this project is to increase the agencies efficiency in the field of capital investment management and financial support for innovative SMEs that are launching new innovative products/technologies (R+D) by finding tools and methods to improve the investment process, especially by facilitating the SMEs cooperation with corporate companies. Four innovation agencies (IAs) will work on the whole investment process for SMEs’ innovative technologies/solutions to ensure the best quality in the selection of the SMEs and their management staff and proposals. The IAs will also pay attention how to choose the best qualified and experienced experts to the process of evaluating ideas. Besides, the main emphasis will be put on the validation process in order to ensure the SMEs feedback from the potential business partners and facilitate them to start the cooperation with corporates companies and acquire the financial (short or long term) support. Innovation agencies involved in the project will work using twinning+ methodology in order to create valuable Design Options Paper regarding whole investment process including the selection of the SMEs, evaluation, validation leading to obtain the capital by SMEs. The new approach to investment process run by IAs can strengthen the position of innovation centres on the national and international arena as a high value added business support organisations regarding investment area and can limit the risk of investment in highly innovative SMEs solutions. The result of peer learning activities delevoped in the Design Option Paper will be implemented in the agencies as improved investment programmes and will be put into practice by IAs. The results of the project can enhance also the possibilities of obtaining by SMEs not only the short but also the long-term capital from business and financial partners what can enhance SMEs growth, competitiveness and facilitate their focusing on profitability of innovative solutions.

Appel à propositions


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Régime de financement

CSA-LS - CSA Lump sum


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 50 000,00
61-612 Poznan

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Makroregion północno-zachodni Wielkopolskie Miasto Poznań
Type d’activité
Research Organisations
Coût total
€ 50 000,00

Participants (3)