Descrizione del progetto
Promuovere gli studi di genere in Turchia
In molti campi scientifici la dimensione di genere viene spesso trascurata: è questo il caso della Turchia, un paese in cui gli studi di genere non si sono ancora affermati. Inoltre, nel 2018 la Turchia figurava ultima nella classifica della relazione globale sul divario di genere, stilata dal Forum economico mondiale. I ricercatori in fase iniziale di carriera che desiderano intraprendere gli studi di genere hanno poche opportunità di farlo in questo paese. Il progetto GenderEX, finanziato dall’UE, intende cambiare la situazione grazie all’instaurazione di contatti, allo scambio di conoscenze e all’applicazione delle migliori pratiche nell’ambito della ricerca di genere. Il progetto permetterà al Centro di ricerca sugli studi di genere e sulle donne presso l’Università di Kadir Has di svilupparsi e di diventare un sito d’eccellenza per la ricerca in tale ambito.
Gender for Excellence in Research (GenderEX) is a three-year project designed to build networks, exchange knowledge and engage best practices to stimulate the integration of the Sex and Gender Dimension in Research Content (SGDRC) in the widening country of Turkey assisted by internationally-leading counterparts in Ireland, Italy, and Sweden.
Gender dimension has all too often been overlooked in many scientific areas, sex/gender analysis is an indispensable means to innovate and drive excellence in research and tackle societal challenges. Research that ignores gender interactions is often incomplete and/or biased research, which leads to the formulation of inadequate policies, programs, theories, and outcomes.
Gender studies, as a field, is not yet well established in Turkey and a sex and gender dimension is not often integrated into research content. As such for Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) interested in gender studies and gender methodologies, there are few opportunities in Turkey to develop their research skills and capacity. According to the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report (2018), Turkey ranks 130 out of 149 and is in urgent need of advancing gender equality. Researchers’ can play a vital role in identifying the structures and producing solutions that will enhance Turkey's advancement toward gender equality.
The project seeks to build upon and further develop Kadir Has University (KHAS) with its Gender and Women’s Studies Research Center (GWSRC-KHAS) as a site of research excellence in the field of gender research. The overall aim of GenderEX is to further the adoption of SGDRC across multiple scientific disciplines in Turkey and beyond by enhancing the capacity of GWSRC-KHAS for training and engaging more researchers into this field.
Parole chiave
- H2020-EU.4.b. - Twinning of research institutions Main Programme
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