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Twinning in Research and Education to improve survival in Childhood Solid Tumours in Lithuania

Description du projet

Stimuler la recherche translationnelle sur les tumeurs pédiatriques solides

Les tumeurs solides peuvent apparaître dans de nombreuses régions du corps, comme les os, les tissus et différents organes. Certains types, par exemple, le neuroblastome et les tumeurs de Wilms, ne se développent que chez les enfants. L’hôpital universitaire Santaros Klinikos à Vilnius (VULSK) en Lituanie coordonnera le projet TREL, financé par l’UE, qui entend améliorer la recherche translationnelle, clinique et sur les effets tardifs sur les tumeurs pédiatriques solides. Son objectif consiste à développer l’excellence scientifique dans la plupart des tumeurs pédiatriques solides (tumeurs cérébrales, neuroblastomes et tumeurs rénales). Globalement, le projet visera à améliorer le profil de recherche du VULSK ainsi que la compétitivité et la visibilité aux niveaux international, régional et national. En améliorant les indicateurs de la recherche, il tentera également d’augmenter les taux de survie des enfants diagnostiqués avec des tumeurs solides.


Vilnius University Hospital Santaros Klinikos (VULSK) acts as a coordinator of the TREL (Twinning in Research and Education to improve survival in Childhood Solid Tumours in Lithuania) project that aims to enhance translational, clinical and late-effect research in paediatric solid tumours (ST). The project concept is based on the existing shortcomings in paediatric oncology at VULSK and Lithuania – scarce research indicators and inferior survival rates in children with ST. TREL has a goal to increase scientific excellence in the most common paediatric ST (brain tumours, neuroblastoma and renal tumours). VULSK and 8 leading research intensive institutions each covering different areas of the project activities according to their expertise form the TREL consortium. TREL will be delivered in 7 working packages addressing training in tumour specific laboratory research and clinical trials, cross-cutting education on genome-wide sequencing and treatment innovations, enhancing skills in observational studies on the quality of survivorship including fertility preservation and research methodology as well as project and innovation management. Training exercise will focus on the implementation of secondments of VULSK staff to the partner premises, organisation of multidisciplinary transfer-of-knowledge meetings, and participation in strategic scientific meetings corresponging objectives of each working package. As a consequence of the twinning activities with internationally-leading research active counterparts VULSK will improve its research profile and reputation, enhance international, regional and national visibility and competitiveness. Fostering of existing and establishment of new networking channels will facilitate incorporation of VULSK professionals to the ongoing collaborative projects that will improve research indicators of individual researchers and VULSK as well as will increase survival rate of children with ST in Lithuania in a long-term perspective.

Appel à propositions


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Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 465 902,50
LT-08661 Vilnius

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Lietuva Sostinės regionas Vilniaus apskritis
Type d’activité
Public bodies (excluding Research Organisations and Secondary or Higher Education Establishments)
Coût total
€ 465 902,50

Participants (9)