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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Integration of RNA Biology for Next-Generation Scientists

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - INTEG-RNA (Integration of RNA Biology for Next-Generation Scientists)

Berichtszeitraum: 2022-04-01 bis 2023-12-31

This project specifically targeted three Life Science research programs at CEITEC MU that focus on Molecular Medicine, Plant Science and Structural Biology with one major research theme - RNA biology. The objectives of the INTEG-RNA project were closely related to the positive impact of synergies with leading partner institutions and effective knowledge transfer of the current research undertaken at CEITEC MU within this field. We trust that bringing scientists together and investing in next-generation researchers (students, young scientists) through learning, training, and mentoring is a key to sustainable cooperation in the long term.
The key objectives of the INTEG-RNA project were grouped around the core scientific goal, which was to strengthen RNA Biology within CEITEC MU through the Twinning exercise via close collaboration with institutes that have a strong tradition in this research area, including EMBL, UEDIN, JGU, and IMB.
To meet the project objectives, we employed a set of measures structured into the following groups of activities: (1) Scientific mobility and small collaborative projects, (2) Training and education, and (3) Scientific dissemination and impact assessment of CEITEC MU.
The objectives were the following:
1. Stimulate scientific excellence by increasing knowledge in cutting-edge RNA methodology through cross-disciplinary collaboration.
2. Increase the knowledge in data processing and analysis across RNA cluster nurtured at CEITEC MU.
3. Educate next-generation scientists in RNA biology integrative approaches by expanding relevant training opportunities.
4. Boost the potential of researchers and Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) by nurturing universally applicable transferable skills and career development in RNA cluster through training, mentoring, and networking.
5. Utilize the experience and best practices of international partners in order to upgrade research management/administration within CEITEC MU and the overall CEITEC MU research profile.
Nine new seed funding projects were developed between researchers CEITEC MU and Twinning partners. These projects involved secondments of researchers and enabled the expansion of the range of methodological approaches, formulation of relevant research questions, and contribution to international exposure of young scientists.
In the second half of the project duration, CEITEC researchers and students gained knowledge in specific scientific skills by participating in the courses and trainings at partners.
During the project, CEITEC organized three RNA Summer Schools and invited experts in their fields. Each Summer School lasted five days and was opened for ESRs from Masaryk University and Twinning partner institutions. Participating students were encouraged to share the knowledge they gained from the summer schools during PhD retreats and lab meetings.
CEITEC facilitates the scientific lectures under the ongoing Seminar Series and other scientific events. The experts from Twinning partners were invited to speak about their area of expertise and relevant topics.
IMB organized transferable skills trainings each year and hosted CEITEC researchers from RNA research groups. Participants of the courses were regularly encouraged to disseminate the knowledge from the training among their peers.
We assisted CEITEC PhD and postdoc committees in organizing social events to help networking and knowledge sharing with the RNA cluster communities. We also organized PhD and Postdoc retreats once per year and invited ESRs and postdocs from Twinning partners. The retreats were used to disseminate the project results from small collaboration projects, trainings, internships, and RNA Summer School. The retreats were also used as a meeting place for peer groups to foster peer mentoring and discussions on various career paths with peers.
We wanted to prepare our young researchers for the various career paths and career challenges they can face by means of mentoring and career guidance at the institutional level. We implemented CEITEC Thesis Advisory Committee that involves mentors from our partner institutions.
To help our young researchers, we also published 3 documents - Career Development Plan (a publicly available concept for integration of career development counseling into mentoring) and Lists of desirable skills based on self-reflection within ESR and postdoc peer groups.
Every three months we organized the joint telco "Career Café Live" with at least one RNA alumni from the partner institution to prepare young researchers for various career paths. The alumni shared their career stories and were available to answer PhD students' questions on the career difficulties and varieties of paths that a student can take to overcome the challenges. Totally, we organized twelve career cafés. Six of those alumni were asked to participate in the podcast where they elaborated on specific career topics.
In the frame of WP4,JGU organized webinars for CEITEC research management staff twice a year. The webinars helped strengthen contacts with partner institutions, understand different research support systems, compare knowledge and experience in the field, and exchange practices.
We also supported two research managers to participate in the international conference EARMA which is in their area of expertise.
At the beginning of the project, heads of research management appointed department members to go for shadowing at one of the Twinning partners. All employees shared the gained knowledge during department meetings at CEITEC MU.
During the Final Project Meeting, we organized a one-day retreat for research management to diagnose the significant topics at CEITEC MU, share the experience gained from the secondments, and develop a didactical concept to be further implemented at CEITEC MU.
To disseminate the project results, we organized the RNA PhD Conference that served as a platform for PhD candidates to present their research findings in the field of RNA, and promote the RNA cluster at CEITEC. Also, seven selected talks or poster presentations at external conferences were supported to present results achieved jointly by CEITEC researchers and partners.
The strategy of the INTEG-RNA project based on scientific collaboration, mobility, and joint training positively influenced CEITEC MU in terms of the quality of research findings (scientific impact) and the overall international reputation of CEITEC MU and Masaryk University as a whole (strategic impact). CEITEC MU researchers, together with their colleagues from INTEG-RNA partner institutions, have advanced in achieving these objectives during the project. The impact of the project was the following:
-Increased research excellence of the coordinating institution in the particular field of research as a result of the twinning exercise
-Enhancing the reputation, attractiveness, and networking channels of the coordinating institution
-Improved capability to compete successfully for national, EU and internationally competitive research funding
All the measures included in INTEG-RNA were designed to utilize the experience and best practices of international partners and upgrade scientific excellence and research management/administration at CEITEC MU. Implementation of small-scale pilot research projects serve as incubators for future collaboration in competitive research funding, as the scientists are motivated to elaborate more on the results gained.
RNA Summer School