Description du projet
Augmentation de la reconnaissance des chercheurs par le public à Ljubljana
L’Université de Ljubljana a organisé avec succès l’édition 2018-2019 de la Nuit européenne des chercheurs. Cet événement a mis des activités d’innovation et de recherche sous les feux des projecteurs, a promu la compréhension par le public des réalisations et impacts des chercheurs et a démystifié les stéréotypes liés à la profession de chercheur. Le projet HUMANITIES ROCK, financé par l’UE, repose sur l’expérience du programme précédent visant à accroître la reconnaissance par le public des chercheurs et à encourager les jeunes à se lancer dans des carrières scientifiques et de recherche. Le projet portera sur les aspects sociaux, culturels, philosophiques, biologiques et technologiques de la vie humaine et leurs domaines de recherche respectifs, et accordera une attention particulière aux dimensions sociales des connaissances scientifiques. Les activités comprennent un large éventail d’événements tels que des visites directes aux institutions de recherche, des expositions, des visites de laboratoire, des concours et des discussions avec des scientifiques.
The HUMANITIES ROCK! European Researchers’ Night 2020 builds on the University of Ljubljana’s very successful 2018-2019 edition of the European Researchers’ Night.
The overall objective of the HUMANITIES ROCK! project remains the same, i.e. to increase awareness of research and innovation activities, support the public recognition of researchers, debunk stereotypes and misinformation about researchers and their profession, create a better understanding of the impact of researchers’ work on citizens’ daily lives, encourage young people to embark on research careers and increase the popularity of scientific careers by organizing innovative public engagement activities and breaking the barrier between researchers and the general public.
Since humankind is currently facing large-scale cultural and global man-made challenges, social sciences and humanities (SSH) research is becoming more important and relevant than ever, but is still often neglected and poorly utilized. The HUMANITIES ROCK! project activities therefore promote and stimulate interdisciplinary collaborations between the SSH and the natural sciences and present the humanities as an integral part of science in general. The 2020 edition revolves around the broad and wide-ranging theme “HUMANS AND RESEARCH”, presenting humans as subjects of research and as beings affected by research. The project activities focus on the biological, technological, philosophical, social and cultural aspects of human life and the research fields studying it, paying close attention to the social dimensions of scientific knowledge.
The proposed activities are targeted particularly at children, young people and science-reluctant people, and comprise direct visits, demonstrations, competitions, exhibitions, lab visits, workshops, discussions, hands-on experiments, EU corners, open days, live chats with scientists and science cafes, taking place at public venues and in research institutions, which will open their doors to visitors.
Régime de financement
CSA - Coordination and support actionCoordinateur
1000 Ljubljana