Descripción del proyecto
Ayuda al avance de los científicos en Moldavia
La Unión Europea (UE) constituye el mayor socio comercial y el mayor inversor de Moldavia. La asistencia y la ayuda de la UE han aportado beneficios tangibles a los ciudadanos moldavos, incluidos los científicos del país. El proyecto MODERNight-2020, financiado con fondos europeos, trabajará para fomentar la ciencia y la innovación en el país, con el objetivo de atraer a su juventud a la ciencia y de fomentar oportunidades de carreras científicas. El proyecto abordará muchas de las cuestiones que han originado una drástica reducción del gasto público en investigación y desarrollo, y fomentará la comunicación entre los científicos y el público. Además, llevará a cabo una campaña de sensibilización del público y fomentará el reconocimiento público de los beneficiarios de las Acciones Marie Skłodowska-Curie (MSCA) del país.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the research in the Republic of Moldova faced and continues to face problems related to insufficient financing. Drastic reduction of public expenditures on research and development (R&D), lack of clear normative regulations and motivation for non-public R&D funding have resulted in massive brain-drain, partial destruction of R&D infrastructure, considerable decline of the status of researchers, engineers and of interest of students in scientific studies.
The association in 2011 of the Republic of Moldova to FP7 and in 2014 to H2020 framework programme of EU opened new opportunities and perspectives for researchers from the Republic of Moldova. Nevertheless, in Moldova the status of researchers and engineers remains very low, and the necessity to develop science and technology in the country has been discussed by public for almost three decades.
Therefore, the objectives of the MODERNight-2020 project are the following:
• Promote communication between scientists and public through project event;
• Run an awareness raising campaign of research and innovation activities taking place in the Republic of Moldova;
• Support the public recognition of EU funded researchers, especially beneficiaries of MSCA;
• Emphasize the impact of research and innovation on daily life and social welfare;
• Bring young people into the world of science, innovation and entrepreneurship and encourage them to pursue a scientific career.
Régimen de financiación
CSA - Coordination and support actionCoordinador
MD2004 Chisinau