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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Advanced machine learning for Innovative Drug Discovery

Descrizione del progetto

Spianare la strada all’apprendimento automatico nel settore della chimica

Al fine di far progredire la chimica farmaceutica, la prossima generazione di scienziati dovrà disporre di ottime conoscenze nel campo della chimica e delle tecnologie avanzate, quali l’intelligenza artificiale (IA) e l’apprendimento automatico. Il progetto AIDD, finanziato dall’UE, si adopererà per innovare la ricerca dei farmaci, preparando una nuova generazione di scienziati provvisti di competenze nell’apprendimento automatico. Si tratta di un fattore determinante per l’evoluzione dell’industria chimica, che comprende aziende farmaceutiche, agro-biotecnologiche e altre aziende chimiche. I borsisti impiegati saranno supervisionati da studiosi dotati di straordinarie competenze complementari e che hanno contribuito alla creazione di importanti algoritmi di IA utilizzati miliardi di volte al giorno in tutto il mondo nonché da aziende farmaceutiche europee di spicco, responsabili di nuovi medicinali e della sanità pubblica.


"The dramatic increase in using of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning methods in different fields of science becomes an essential asset in the development of the chemical industry, including pharmaceutical, agro biotech, and other chemical companies. However, the application of AI in these fields is not straightforward and requires excellent knowledge of chemistry. Thus, there is a strong need to train and prepare a new generation of scientists who have skills both in machine learning and in chemistry and can advance medicinal chemistry, which is the prime goal of the AIDD proposal. Research WPs include sixteen topics selected to cover the key innovative directions in machine learning in chemistry. Fellows employed will be supervised by academics who have excellent complementary expertise and contributed some of the fundamental AI algorithms which are used billions of times per day in the world, and leading EU Pharma companies who are in charge of new medicine and public health. All developed methods can be used individually but will also contribute to an integrated ""One Chemistry"" model that can predict outcomes ranging from different properties to molecule generation and synthesis. Training on various modalities allows the model to understand how to intertwine chemistry and biology to develop a new drug making its design robust and explainable. All partners agreed to make their software open source. It will boost the field and will provide the broadest possible dissemination of the results both to the academy and industry, including SMEs. The network will offer comprehensive, structured training through a well-elaborated Curriculum, online courses, and six Schools. The IP policy and commercial exploitation of the project results have the highest priority supported by intellectual property asset management organizations. Comprehensive public engagement activities will complement the dissemination of results to the scientific community."


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 390 206,98
85764 Neuherberg

Mostra sulla mappa

Bayern Oberbayern München, Landkreis
Tipo di attività
Research Organisations
Costo totale
€ 390 206,98

Partecipanti (16)