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Intelligent interconnection of prosumers in positive energy communities with twins of things for digital energy markets

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - TwinERGY (Intelligent interconnection of prosumers in positive energy communities with twins of things for digital energy markets)

Periodo di rendicontazione: 2020-11-01 al 2022-04-30

Today, the energy system is largely driven from the perspective of suppliers and only a few consumers are able to track their energy use or actively participate in the market. The participation of European residential and small commercial/industrial users has been limited, not only due to the lack of real time metering infrastructure and smarter electricity grids, but also due to the non-availability of a robust regulatory framework in most EU Member States. Consumers need and are willing to be transformed to active energy market players, towards reducing their energy bills and tackling energy poverty. Installing simple tools such as heating/ lighting controls and thermostats accompanied by accurate metering, real-time consumption information provision and billing systems, can effectively engage consumers and trigger a reduction of overall energy demand by at least 25%. This will provide significant benefits towards tackling energy poverty in the EU, currently affecting almost 11% of the European population. TwinERGY will enable: 1)Increase of awareness and knowledge about consumption patterns, energy behaviours, generation/ demand forecasts and demand/ storage flexibility capacity, 2) Increase of local intelligence via properly established Digital Twin-based Consumer-Centric Energy Management and Control Decision Support mechanisms, 3)Promotion of self-consumption and RES integration, 4)Achievement of the best energy deal for consumers through access to suitable open infrastructures for (i) publishing their DERs/ flexibility sources, thus (ii) making them available in the TwinERGY open and Transactive Energy Marketplace. TwinERGY will offer appropriate tools and applications for retailers/ local energy communities, enabling them: 1)To accurately forecast Demand Response potential and demand flexibility of prosumers under the Consumer Digital Twin paradigm, 2)To optimally segment, classify and cluster/ aggregate demand and storage assets for the formulation of spatio-temporal VPPs, 3)To continuously monitor the evolution of Demand Response events and signals and revise pre-defined strategies with the re-configuration of dynamic VPPs, 4)To gain access to a wide variety of DER assets through a properly configured open and Transactive Energy Marketplace, 5)To negotiate with individual DER owners on the terms of flexibility activation in the frame of the Transactive Energy Marketplace, 6)To ensure objective DR settlement and prosumer remuneration on the basis of a properly adapted Measurement and Verification framework facilitated by the use of Distributed Ledger Technologies. TwinERGY will attempt to pave the way and lead the transition towards more democratized energy markets that allow open participation of currently excluded flexibility sources and promote transparent and fair distribution of the benefits achieved through Demand Response.
Project Objectives: O1: Introduce residential energy consumers as active players in energy markets and ensure significant benefits through their engagement in human-centric demand response programs, O2: Safeguard distribution grid reliability and the transition to a more fossil-free energy future (increased RES integration) through highly effective demand response strategies on the basis of aggregated flexibility utilization, O3: Deliver an open standards-based modular solution that ensures interoperability between smart grids, energy management systems and smart home devices and holds a high replication potential around the EU, O4: Enable intelligence enhancement of Smart Home Systems and the provision of innovative energy and non-energy services to consumers, O5: Establishing local flexibility markets for the transparent sharing of benefits achieved through flexibility-based DR optimization to all involved stakeholders, O6: Tackle major market entry barriers for prosumers with the introduction of suitable business models for local energy communities and retailers.
1) Completion of WP4-Methodological framework and Architecture Design,2) Deliverables submitted: 40 out of 62,3) Milestones achieved: 2 out of 7, 4) Development of modules: Consumer well-being module, Home & Tertiary realtime Energy Monitoring Module, Consumer and Neighborhood demand flexibility profiling Module, RES integration and DER management Module, Electric Mobility as a Service Module, Transactive Energy Module, Customer Deployment and Social Engagement Module, Risk Management and event handling Module, 5) Households engaged: 59 (10 at Athens, 16 at Bristol, 17 at Benetutti, 16 at Hagedorn)
Progress beyond the state of the art:1) Digital Twin Platform: A digital twin interconnected platform was developed forming the interlink between the consumer and the community Digital Twin and subsequently the interlink between the Digital Twins and the Transactive Energy Platform (TEP). The development of the Digital Twin (DT) was based on calibrated physics-based models and the arrays of IoT sensing and metering devices. The same models were used to develop the different energy services that allow the building's performance optimization with respect to comfort, energy and especially, flexibility. One of the novelties was the creation of a digital twin of the consumer, as part of the TwinERGY platform, using data aggregated by a wearable on her/him. The connection between the physical and the digital world by building the exact replica of the user’s routine energy wise and comfort wise, creates a secure path leading to the most sought out predictability of consumption and consumer behavior, putting the consumer/prosumer right at the heart of the energy market. The wearable is a non-invasive method for gathering real-time data, without demanding any further action from the user, other than bearing it, 2) Transactive Energy Platform: The Transactive Energy Platform was developed which its core is a decentralized transactional platform that offers its participants to sell their flexible energy loads and excess capacity on an open market to the (micro) grid operators or to each other. The Platform uses the Ethereum network and technology to create a trustless auction house where flexible capacity and demand from DERs are auctioned off through encrypted, shared, immutable, and publicly auditable Smart Contracts. The Platform creates a cryptocurrency ecosystem, preserves the cryptocurrency asset value, solves volatility problems, and ensures high transaction processing speed. This platform offers a path to grid decentralization, energy democratization, and a way to effectively leverage and monetize the emerging DER infrastructure.

Expected results and impacts: 1)Increased number and types of consumers engaged in demand-response across EU, 2)Increased uptake of services that combine energy efficiency with other energy services, technologies and non-energy benefits, 3)Increased reliability of innovative energy services, 4)Accessibility to innovative energy services, 5)Demonstrated and improved viability of innovative energy services, best practices and effective incentives that can be replicated at large scale, 6)Increased predictability of consumption patterns and consumer behavior - Improved modelling of the flexibility levers from the new energy services, 7)Increased data protection and privacy for customers, 8)Increased share of energy or power that can be mobilized to provide flexibility to the grid and increase the hosting capacity for RES.
TwinERGY leaflets, Smarter E event in Munich
TwinERGY booth, presence at the ENLIT Fair in Milano
TwinERGY coordination team at the ENLIT Fair in Milano
TwinERGY leaflets, Smarter E event in Munich