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Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .
This report will refine and enhance the collection and processing of data in BRIGHT pilots. Success criteria: The final release complements D4.1 with prototype implementation and its documentation. [T4.1]
Big data fine-grained distributed energy forecasting tool - firstFirst version of the energy prediction tool and ML assemble based techniques considering energy related features Success criteria Tool is operational and successfully predicts energy consumption at different time and space granularitiesT42
Big data fine-grained distributed energy forecasting tool - final versionFinal version of the tool and ML based ensemble being able to additional consider non energy related contextual features in prediction. Success criteria: tool is operation and prediction accuracy is improved compared to the first version. [T4.2]
P2P flexibility provisioning tool - final versionThe final version of the P2P energy and flexibility trading platform including cooperative smart contract models and GDPR compliance. Success criteria: second version of the platform is operational and new cooperative and GDPR compliance features are available.[T6.2]
Electrical and thermal communities DTs' models - first versionFirst version of the specification and design of Electrical and thermal communitys DT models Success criteria Availability of the DT modelsT45
DTs' model for costumer's categorization - first versionFirst version of the specification and design of costumers categorization DT models Success criteria Availability of the DT modelsT44
Flexible assets DT models - first versionThis deliverable includes both the proof of concept and the design specifications of the DT models for identified flexible assets aiming to enact their optimal control and dynamic coupling with consumers The report will illustrate how the DT can be used to provide more and better information about the asset through EFI to the energy service Success criteria Availability of the first version of flexible assets DT modelsT43
Electrical and thermal communities DTs' models - final versionFinal version of the specification and design of Electrical and thermal community’s DT models. Success criteria: Final DT models are released.[T4.5]
P2P flexibility provisioning tool - first versionThe first version of the P2P energy and flexibility trading platform enabling community orchestration via competitive procurement models Success criteria first version of the platform is operational and comparative trading smart contracts are available T62
Blockchain based management platform for DR programs - first versionFirst version of the blockchain platform for decentralized DR control and control signal injection mechanism Success criteria the platform is available and able to manage electrical DR servicesT63
Data Collection - first versionThis report summarizes the approach for unified collection and processing of data in BRIGHT pilots A special attention is devoted to retrofitting and integration with legacy systems Success criteria The The first release reports on the approach involved systems and overall data collection scopeT41
Smart contracts for coalition of customers in communities / cooperativesBlockchain based self-governance model of prosumers in virtual communities using smart contract implementing the constraints of prosumers, target services combination and community prosumer level constraints. Success criteria: the model can successfully manage virtual communities and it is integrated with the hybrid optimization heuristics.[T6.4]
DLT/Smart contracts Data Governance for digital fingerprinting of energy data - final versionFinal version of scalable distributed ledger having on top data privacy, anonymity features as well as data access policies. Success criteria: second version of the ledge is available and new features added are operational.[T6.1]
Blockchain based management platform for DR programs - final versionFinal version of the blockchain platform for decentralized DR control addressing also the thermal services and mechanism for near real time settlement of DR. Success criteria: the platform can consider also thermal services and to make the imbalance settlement closer to the real time. [T6.3]
Services for energy driven smart homesThis deliverable constitutes of prototype implementation and complementary report on the machine learning services applied to smart home/neighbourhood domain. In addition to electrical/thermal energy management services to support the demand-response operation, emphasis is given also to non-energy services to support cross-domain interoperability, such as pattern/anomaly detection and alarming in elderly care. Success criteria: Report and prototype of the machine learning services applied to smart home/neighbourhood domain. [T5.3]
Edge interoperable gateway for home automationThe improved functionalities of home-IoT edge gateways will be documented to analyze the developed extensions offering interoperable management of IoT-enabled appliances and devices and smart home automation services. Success criteria: The availability of home-IoT edge gateways specification.[T6.6])
Flexible assets DT models - final versionThis deliverable includes the final specifications for DT models for identified flexible. Success criteria: Availability of the final version of DT models for flexible assets.[T4.3]
DLT Blockchain and Smart Contracts for tokenized heterogeneous asset tradingmechanisms for heterogeneous assets monetization, including individual member reward from community-owned flexibility asset. Success criteria: mechanisms are available and integrated with the blockchain based management platform for DR.[T6.5]
DTs' model for costumer's categorization - final versionFinal version of the specification and design of costumer’s categorization DT models. Success criteria: Final DT models are released.[T4.4]
Heuristics for cross sector services optimalhybrid optimization heuristics for constructing collations of prosumers in virtual communities to address combinations of cross sector services. Success criteria: heuristics are available and can provide solutions to meet services technical constraints. [T5.4]
DLT/Smart contracts Data Governance for digital fingerprinting of energy data - first versionFirst version of scalable distributed ledger for tamper evident storage and sharing of smart energy crossdomain heterogeneous data and metadata after a process of harmonization and integration Success criteria The first version of the ledger is available and can manage and integrate energy and nonenergy data of different stakeholdersT61
This deliverable will report BRIGHT results in the 2nd Belgium pilot trials. Success criteria: Validation results are available together with KPI evaluation. [T7.3]
Belgium pilot: Local Energy Cooperative multi-market centralized aggregation - 1st trialsThe Belgium pilot trials will validate multi-electricity market algorithms and value stacking services in a real-life residential Local energy Communities framework. One relevant challenge here is that while balancing services are offered in real time, DSO services are offered down in the intraday market. Success criteria: Validation results are available. [T7.3]);
Italian pilot: Aggregation for optimal Flexibility Management - 1st trialsThis deliverable will provide results of the demonstration activities in Terni pilot site, in terms of BRIGHT tools integration, customers engagement and DR effects. Success criteria: Validation results are available. [T7.5]
Greece pilot: Virtual Community Centralized Aggregation and energy management services - 1st trialsThis deliverable is reporting the activities needed for demonstrating the BRIGHT approach from pilot users engagement to validating the BRIGHT technologies, implementations and replicability on the Greek Pilot users infrastructures. Success criteria: Validation results are available. [T7.6]
Greece pilot: Virtual Community Centralized Aggregation and energy management services - 2nd trialsThis deliverable will report BRIGHT results in the 2nd Greece pilot trials. Success criteria: Validation results are available together with KPI evaluation. [T7.6]
Slovenian pilot: Demand-response aggregation and non-energy services in decentralized virtual community of smart home users - 1st trialsThis report describes the implementation of test scenarios in the Slovenian pilot and provides assessment of project common KPIs. The report provides information of involved user segments, deployed piloting infrastructure at respective locations, validation of instantiated BRIGHT services, and integration with existing operational platform. Success criteria: Validation results are available. [T74]
Slovenian pilot: Demand-response aggregation and non-energy services in decentralized virtual community of smart home users - 2nd trialsThis deliverable will report BRIGHT results in the 2nd Slovenian pilot trials. Success criteria: Validation results are available together with KPI evaluation.[T7.4]
Italian pilot: Aggregation for optimal Flexibility Management - 2nd trialsThis deliverable will report BRIGHT results in the 2nd Italian pilot trials. Success criteria: Validation results are available together with KPI evaluation. [T7.5]
This deliverable will enhance the previous D23 data models Success criteria The report will contain the definition of architecture and specification of interoperability requirementsT23
Report on dissemination - first versionThis deliverable reports on the dissemination activities Success Criteria the document should describe the web and Social media strategies to be applied for user engagement and related materialT84
Data Management Plan - final versionThis deliverable will provide a final description of the data management procedures. Success Criteria: The availability of the report.[T1.3]
Assessment and evaluation of citizen engagement strategies and social acceptance in BRIGHT - first versionThis report refers to T33 It will describe the tailored method to assess and evaluate the DR consumer engagement process as well as their social acceptance Success criteria Availability of the BRIGHT assessment methodology T33
Trial scenario Definitions and Evaluation MethodologyThis document represents the first version of the BRIGHT technology validation plan Success Criteria the document should report the plan including methodology materials for customers assessment preliminary testunit cases procedures and timingT71
BRIGHT exploitation planning - final versionThis document is the final Exploitation Strategy, IPR and sustainability that defines the management and promotion of the exploitation of project results. Success Criteria: the document should clearly describe the BRIGHT exploitation plan.[T8.3]
BRIGHT manifesto, recommendations to policy makersThis report provides the recommendations to policy and regulatory agendas by specifying the overall BRIGHT solution properties, capabilities, and deployment/replication guidelines. Success criteria: Availability of the BRIGHT manifesto.[T8.3]
Overview of barriers and drivers for consumer engagement in DRThis report will be the basis of the initial context assessment in terms of enacting citizen participation in DR schemes. Specifically, the report will provide a concise overview of barriers and drivers as identified by analysing and reviewing existing products, services, incentives and policies that can both hinder or enable consumer engagement in DR, including not only technical factors but also socio-economic and institutional elements that affect in a non-trivial, inter-relational way citizens engagement for different consumer segments. Success criteria: The report will contain a thorough analysis and review of the current context for consumer engagement. [T3.1]
Cross-domain Data & Service Interoperability - first versionThis report summarizes the BRIGHT approach for data and services interoperability It builds on existing methodologies describes adaptations for the application in energy domain and provides guidelines for interoperability with legacystandard solutions Success criteria The deliverable will provide the data models and servicesT23
Report on collaboration with other projects - second versionThis deliverable is the second report on the collaboration with other projects Success Criteria report of collaboration activities T91 T92
User group needs, requirement and advanced DR engagement scenariosThis report describes the needs of identified user groups It builds on the envisioned piloting use cases with specific technical characteristics as well as distinct customer bases Moreover the needs are mapped to BRIGHT target customers and complemented by business and customer engagement scenarios Success criteria The BRIGHT requirements are clearly definedT21
BRIGHT in lab validation reportThis report will present the results from the inlab evaluation process of BRIGHT technology that will be conducted at TNOs HESI lab facilities Success Criteria This report will provide valuable lessons learned and technological feedback to the follow up deployment within the BRIGHT pilotsitesT72
Data Management Plan - second versionDescription This deliverable will provide an updated description of the data management procedures Success Criteria The availability of the reportT13
BRIGHT new business models- first versionThis document defines the envisioned BRIGHT business models Success Criteria Availability of the initial business models
Privacy, Ethics and Legal RequirementsThis deliverable refers to T2.4. It will specify the requirements related to the cyber-security and data protection to be taken into account in the BRIGHT system implementation. Success criteria: Requirements for security are clearly described. [T2.4]
BRIGHT exploitation planning - first versionThis document is the first Exploitation Strategy IPR and sustainability that defines the management and promotion of the exploitation of project results Success Criteria the document should clearly describe the envisioned exploitation planT83
Assessment and evaluation of citizen engagement strategies and social acceptance in BRIGHT - final versionThis report will describe the analysis of the social acceptance factors. Success criteria: Availability of the BRIGHT acceptance.[T3.3]
CODEC model adapted to estimate the uptake of DR products and servicesThis report will provide the results from adapting the CODEC model to the specificities related to citizens decisions to adopting products and services that further enable DR An important element of the report will be the integration of ESSIM and CODEC to provide insights on how demand supply balance in the energy system can affect stakeholder decision making power and enactment Success criteria The report will provide the adapted CODEC model and its associated results for BRIGHT applicationT32
Report on analysis on obstacles to innovationThis deliverable will provide a complete list and definition of the main technological economic regulatory and human EU barriers in engaging decentralized flexibility assets and end users in DR programs Success criteria The report will clearly define the EU barriers to be overcome in BRIGHT
Data Management Plan – first versionThis deliverable will provide a description of the data management procedures. Success Criteria: The availability of the report.[T1.3]
DR technologies and toolsThis deliverable will provide the design of the DR technologies to be used in BRIGHT in terms of technical and functional specifications of BRIGHT components with an indepth definition of the new tools and functionalities that will be developed in technical WPs Success criteria A complete set of technologiestools requirements will be delivered in the reportT22
BRIGHT market analysis - final versionThis document describes the final market analysis results. Success Criteria: Availability of the market analysis results.[T8.2]
Dissemination and Communication PlanThis document includes the Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication Plans in order to achieve a high level of visibility of the project outcomes. Success Criteria: the document should deliver detailed plans including target groups and stakeholders, strategies to be applied, and key indicators. [T8.4]
Standardization activities - first versionThis report will discuss the BRIGHT consortiums efforts in relation to contributing to relevant standards and collaborating with the associated SDOs and will contain initial findings Success criteria Initial standardisation planT85
Report on collaboration with other projects - final versionThis deliverable is the final report on the collaboration with other projects. Success Criteria: overview of collaboration activities and assessment of outcomes. [T9.1, T9.2]
Standardization activities - final versionThis report will discuss the final version of BRIGHT contribution to relevant standards and collaborating with the associated SDOs. Success criteria: Final standardisation plan.[T8.5]
Report on collaboration with other projects - first versionThis deliverable is the first report on the collaboration with other projects Success Criteria the targeted projects should be identified and an interaction strategy should be defined T91 T92
BRIGHT new business models - finalThis document defines the fina BRIGHT business models. Success Criteria: Availability of the BRIGHT business models.[T8.1]
Report on data protection, privacy & ethical impactThe deliverable refers to T1.4. It will report all the procedures and protocols that have been designed during the whole project lifecycle for handling legal and ethical risks. Success Criteria: The availability of the report. [T1.4])
New multi-value services for DR engagementThe deliverable will contain a detailed description of each of the designed novel multivalue chain combined services It will also contain a listing of which parameters would be more relevant to be further analysed and incorporated into subsequent modelling activities carried out along WP4 Success criteria The combined services shall include amongst others combining electricity and thermal energy or combining demand response and energy efficiency
Report on dissemination - final versionThis deliverable is the final report on the dissemination activities. Success Criteria: the document should report the actions put in place and achieved results.[T8.4]
BRIGHT market analysis - first versionThis document describes the first market analysis results Success Criteria Availability of the market analysis results T82
Project results evaluation and replication guidelinesThis deliverable will provide the final assessment of BRIGHT results in different use cases and testing sites along with the replication guidelines. Success criteria: evaluation results assessment and replication guidelines are available. [T7.7]
The deliverable represents the project website. Success Criteria: the accompanying document should describe the Webportal structure.[T8.4]
Liana Toderean; Viorica Rozina Chifu; Tudor Cioara; Ionut Anghel; Cristina Bianca Pop
Publié dans:
IEEE Access, Numéro volume 11, 2023, Page(s) 73982 - 73999, ISSN 2169-3536
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
T. Cioara, M. Antal, V. T. Mihailescu, C. D. Antal, I. M. Anghel, D. Mitrea
Publié dans:
IEEE Access, Numéro 9, 2021, Page(s) 29490-29504, ISSN 2169-3536
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Adrian Tantau ,András Puskás-Tompos , Costel Stanciu , Laurentiu Fratila and Catalin Curmei
Publié dans:
Energies, MDPI, Numéro Volume 14, Numéro 24, December 2, 2021 Special Numéro Feature Papers in Energy, Environment and Well-Being, 2021, Page(s) Relevant pages: Note that from the first issue of 2016, MDPI journals use article numbers (for this one: 8273) instead of page numbers., ISSN 1996-1073
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
Claudia Antal (Pop), Tudor Cioara, Marcel Antal, Vlad Mihailescu, Dan Mitrea, Ionut Anghel, Ioan Salomie, Giuseppe Raveduto, Massimo Bertoncini, Vincenzo Croce, Tommaso Bragatto, Federico Carere, Francesco Bellesini
Publié dans:
Energy Reports, 2021, Page(s) 5269-5288, ISSN 2352-4847
Mitrea, D.; Cioara, T.; Anghel, I.
Publié dans:
Sensors, 2023, ISSN 1424-8220
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
Dan Mitrea, Liana Toderean, Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Marcel Antal
Publié dans:
Heliyon, 2023, ISSN 2405-8440
Marcel Antal; Vlad Mihailescu; Tudor Cioara; Ionut Anghel
Publié dans:
Mathematics; Volume 10; Numéro 23; Pages: 4499, Numéro 8, 2022, ISSN 2227-7390
Antonesi, G.; Cioara, T.; Toderean, L.; Anghel, I.; De Mulder, C.
Publié dans:
Buildings, 2023, ISSN 2075-5309
Claudia Antal , Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Marcel Antal, Ioan Salomie
Publié dans:
Future Internet, Numéro 13, 2021, ISSN 1999-5903
Antal M, Toderean L, Cioara T, Anghel I.
Publié dans:
Applied Sciences, Numéro 12, 2022, ISSN 2076-3417
T. Bragatto; F. Carere; M. Cresta; F.M. Gatta; A. Geri; V. Lanza; M. Maccioni; M. Paulucci
Publié dans:
Crossref, Numéro 15, 2022, ISSN 0378-7796
Elsevier BV
G. Gokhale, B. Claessens and C. Develder
Publié dans:
Appl. Energy, Numéro Vol. 314, 15 May 2022,, 2022, Page(s) pp. 1-10., ISSN 0306-2619
Pergamon Press Ltd.
C. B. Pop, T. Cioara, I. Anghel, M. Antal, V. R. Chifu, C. Antal, I. Salomie
Publié dans:
Energy Reports, Numéro Volume 8, 2022, Page(s) 11769-11798, ISSN 2352-4847
Marin, O.; Cioara, T.; Anghel, I.
Publié dans:
Future Internet, 2023, ISSN 1999-5903
Goia, B.; Cioara, T.; Anghel, I.
Publié dans:
Future Internet, Numéro 14, 2022, ISSN 1999-5903
Liana Toderean, Claudia Antal, Marcel Antal, Dan Mitrea, Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Ioan Salomie
Publié dans:
2021 IEEE 17th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP), Numéro 1, 2021, Page(s) 145-151, ISBN 978-1-6654-0976-6
Cioara, Tudor; Anghel, Ionut; Antal, Marcel; Salomie, Ioan; Antal, Claudia; Ioan, Arcas Gabriel
Publié dans:
2022 IEEE 18th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP), 2022
C. B. Pop, V. R. Chifu, C. Cordea, E. S. Chifu, O. Barsan
Publié dans:
2021 20th RoEduNet Conference: Networking in Education and Research (RoEduNet), 2021, Page(s) 1-6, ISBN 978-1-6654-1351-0
V. R. Chifu, C. B. Pop, E. St. Chifu, H. Barleanu
Publié dans:
2021 20th RoEduNet Conference: Networking in Education and Research (RoEduNet), 2021, Page(s) 1-6, ISBN 978-1-6654-1351-0
G. Gokhale, J. Van Gompel, B. Claessens, C. Develder
Publié dans:
BuildSys ’23
Tudor Cioara; Claudia Pop; Razvan Zanc; Ionut Anghel; Marcel Antal; Ioan Salomie
Publié dans:
2020 19th RoEduNet Conference: Networking in Education and Research (RoEduNet), Numéro 1, 2020, ISBN 978-0-7381-1265-7
D. Mitrea, L. Toderean, T. Cioara, V. Chifu, I. Salomie, I. Anghel, M. Bertoncini, V. Croce
Publié dans:
The Fourteenth International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications (IISA 2023), 2023
G. Gokhale, N. Tiben, M.-S. Verwee, M. Lahariya, B. Claessens, C. Develder
Publié dans:
Proc. 4th ACM SIGEnergy Workshop on Reinf. Learn. Energy Manag. Build. and Cities (RLEM 2023) at ACM BuildSys 2023
Tudor Cioara, Liana Toderean, Dan Mitrea, Viorica Chifu, Marcel Antal, Ionut Anghel, Vincenzo Croce, Massimo Bertoncini, Francesco Nucci
Publié dans:
2022 Workshop on Blockchain for Renewables Integration (BLORIN), 2022, Page(s) pp. 7-12
M. A. Bucarelli, M. Ghoreishi, F. Santori
Publié dans:
Cristina Bianca Pop, Tudor Cioara, Viorica Chifu, Ionut Anghel, Francesco Bellesini
Publié dans:
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