Descrizione del progetto
Un nuovo dispositivo per la stimolazione del midollo spinale
Il dolore cronico colpisce miliardi di persone in tutto il mondo, impedendo loro di condurre una vita lavorativa e sociale produttiva e comportando costi socioeconomici significativi. Come tecnica di sollievo dal dolore, viene utilizzata la stimolazione del midollo spinale (SCS, Spinal Cord Stimulation) per bloccare i segnali del dolore prima che questi raggiungano il cervello attraverso l’erogazione di stimoli elettrici al midollo spinale mediante elettrocateteri impiantabili. Attualmente sono disponibili due tipi di elettrocateteri SCS: elettrocateteri a piattina multi-colonna ed elettrocateteri cilindrici. Gli elettrocateteri multi-colonna offrono risultati complessivi di trattamento migliori, ma i prodotti attuali possono essere inseriti solo chirurgicamente. Gli scienziati del progetto PercPad, finanziato dall’UE, stanno sviluppando un dispositivo minimamente invasivo, l’elettrocatetere a piattina per la stimolazione percutanea del midollo spinale (SCS Expert), che può essere impiantato anche da anestesisti e specialisti del dolore. A seguito dell’ottimizzazione del prodotto, il team di PercPad intraprenderà le attività necessarie per introdurre il dispositivo nel mercato.
Worldwide, around 1.5 Billion people suffer from chronic pain. Chronic pain undermines the ability to lead a productive working and social life, and it has significant impacts on the private and public economy. The estimated total cost for chronic pain is calculated to reach yearly as much as €455 Billion in the USA, and €300 Billion in Europe.
Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS) is a pain relief technique that consist in delivering current pulses to the spinal cord in order to block the sensation of pain. Basic SCS devices comprise implantable leads that are connected to a pulse generator controlled by a control unit. The leads currently available in the market are rather bulky and rigid, poorly stretchable and usually their implantation requires a complex chirurgical intervention.
The Percutaneous Spinal Cord Stimulation Paddle Lead (SCS ExpertTM) proposed by WISE is a foldable lead fit for minimally invasive percutaneous implantation, which can be achieved by neurosurgeons and anesthetists. This innovative product addresses a key market need within the SCS segment of the growing neuromodulation market. The goal of this project (PercPad) is to complete the development of SCS ExpertTM and to prepare the path to introduce it into market by the Q4 2022. PercPad is a solid project that will generate important benefits for our company. Within a 5-year period after the launch, WISE expects cummulative gross profits of €36.2 Million, with a payback period of less than 5 years.
We have identified a promising market opportunity, as the global neuromodulation market is projected to attain a value of €6.5 Billion in 2022 by rising at a CAGR of 12.5% from 2017, and our target segment is expected to cover over 1/2 of such market worth. Altogether, this represents a very promising scenario for the deployment of SCS ExpertTM and we envisage a country entry SOM of 1.6% reaching a 15% after 5 years.
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20093 Cologno Monzese Mi
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