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This paper is the result of an investigation into selfarchiving policies of publishers and green OA to publications
Feasibility study for alternative funding model for Deposit serviceThe feasibility study describes an alternative business model to support the Deposit service based on the existing consortial funding arrangement for Europe PMC and reports on the consultation of stakeholders through interviews and a workshop
Six monthly progress report 3 Communication planThe communication plan contains a stakeholder analysis (identifying the stakeholders, their roles and needs/interests, and how they can be approached) and includes the various channels and communication methods to be utilized for this project.
Six monthly progress reportSix monthly progress report 2 Final progress report
The Communication package will include a flyer, a presentation, and the set-up and slides for a webinar.
Revised List of compliant publishersUpdate of the existing list of compliant publishers with improved information and criteria to be met to join the list
ERC section with institutional access to new features: Dashboard and Notification serviceThe ERC section of the OAPEN website will be expanded with an institutional page accessible through controlled access providing a Dashboard to provide usage information about the ERC collection and a notification service to provide information about publications in the ERC collection
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