Description du projet
Aider les citoyens à prendre soin de leur propre santé
La population de l’UE vieillit et, parallèlement, le nombre de personnes souffrant d’un handicap ou d’une maladie chronique est en augmentation. Dans les zones rurales, les personnes souffrant d’un handicap ou d’une maladie chronique sont moins susceptibles d’avoir accès à des services et à des programmes de santé de qualité par rapport aux personnes vivant dans des zones urbaines. Le projet CRANE, financé par l’UE et axé sur le traitement complet des maladies chroniques dans les zones rurales, vise à mettre en place un système de soins et de soins infirmiers davantage centrés sur la personne, dans lequel plus de 80 % des patients chroniques passent aux autosoins. Le projet proposera un modèle qui s’appuie sur deux piliers: les soins de santé à domicile et l’écosystème.
CRANE addresses the comprehensive treatment of chronic diseases in the rural areas. Rural areas in participant regions have more than 30% of people 65+, this is 20 years advanced urban scenarios. CRANE?s model will help change citizens' self-conception from being passive patients to becoming citizens again. CRANE position is to evolve toward a model where more than 80% of chronic patients move to Selfcare, supported by two pillars: ?healthcare from home? and the ?Ecosystem?. Healthcare from home brings to the home interactive technology for smart selfcare-management. The ecosystem is an extended concept of integrated care, to offer to the citizen essential elements of wellbeing. It includes the health and care services, family, services providers, etc. The ecosystem is tailored to each individual. Our integrated care approach is moving to flexible, dynamic and personalized ecosystems. The tools to build up such models are a data lake and an open platform. CRANE point of departure is that each citizen is the owner of its own health data, and those data should become actionable support for the person. The model is to be validated in so distant cultures as rural areas in Spain and Nordic countries. CRANE procurers are new to EU PCPs, but supported by experienced partners in PCP execution, co-design method, experts in health data management, ICT architecture, health economics and integrated care. CRANE will procure the design of an all-in-one value-based service including local supply chain. Lead procurer is Region Vsterbotten in Sweden, and the buyers group is completed with Extremadura Region in Spain, and Region Agder in Norway.
Champ scientifique
Régime de financement
PCP - Pre-Commercial ProcurementCoordinateur
901 89 UMEA