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Power in Low Earth Orbit. Verified.

Description du projet

Une orchestration de constellations de satellites pilotée par logiciel

L’espace est plus encombré que jamais. Des milliers de satellites seront lancés en orbite terrestre basse (LEO pour low Earth orbit) dans les années à venir. LEOpowver, un projet du CER, développera un logiciel destiné à l’exploitation dynamique continue, entièrement automatisée, optimisée en termes de puissance et de profit, des constellations de satellites en orbite basse. Pour ce faire, il exploitera les résultats du projet CER POWVER pour le marché LEO. Outre la validation en orbite du logiciel sur une constellation de satellites LEO, le projet explorera en profondeur les opportunités de commercialisation du produit logiciel. Sa force unique réside dans l’orchestration logicielle des constellations de satellites, par le biais d’une gestion optimale du bilan de puissance électrique, extrêmement limité en orbite.


More than 17,000 satellites are announced for launch into Low Earth Orbit (LEO) before 2027, for the purpose of real-time Earth observation and worldwide connectivity. The multitude of mission initiatives is a sign of democratization of space and induces enormous business opportunities.

LEOpowver will harvest results of the ERC Advanced Grant POWVER for the LEO market to arrive at orbit-proof software for the continuous, fully automated, power-optimal and profit maximising dynamic operation of Low Earth Satellite Constellations.

The software will solve the pivotal challenge in the software-driven orchestration of satellite constellations, namely the management of the severely limited in-orbit electric power budget.

+ At any point in time a highly accurate power model approximates the actual distribution of the state-of-charge of the on-board batteries very tightly. This enables tracking and extrapolation of the battery state with unprecedented accuracy.

+ Data transfer needs within large satellite constellations induce critical interdependencies between the individual satellites' power budgets. The LEOpowver software determines the optimal data transfer in the form of a contact plan, enabling the constellation-wide best utilisation of resources while provably minimizing battery depletion risks.

+ In-orbit battery measurements are transmitted to ground at the earliest possible moments, where they are fed into a machine learning mechanism rectifying the on-ground models of the satellites, which in turn is the basis for perpetuating the computation of always safe and best-to-follow receding-horizon schedules in a self-adaptive manner. In this way, the quality of the constellation management is continually improved.

The central activities of LEOpowver are (i) in-orbit validation of this software on a LEO satellite constellation and (ii) in-depth exploration of commercialisation opportunities for the software product.

Régime de financement

ERC-POC - Proof of Concept Grant

Institution d’accueil

Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 150 000,00
66123 Saarbrucken

Voir sur la carte

Saarland Saarland Regionalverband Saarbrücken
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
Aucune donnée

Bénéficiaires (1)