The Concerted Action aims at identifying gaps in the knowledge of health care workers in the EC and EFTA countries concerning the use of IT and to propose and execute to ameliorate the situation.
More and more information systems are used in health care. Health care workers are mobile and may even start to work in other countries. It is important that they can easily accommodate to the available information systems in other institutions.
For the industry it is important that health care workers have a satisfactory knowledge of health care informatics. Only then can their products be evaluated in a fair way. Also health care workers will become more receptive for the advantages of health care information systems.
Successful existing educational programmes in health care informatics will be transferred to other countries and the possibilities and limitations of such a transfer will be studied.
At the end of the Concerted Action there will exist an insight into the way education and training in health care is organised in the European countries. Experience will have been obtained in the possibilities of transferring educational programmes in IT from one country to another and recommendations will be provided for future actions in this field.
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6200 MD Maastricht