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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-05-14

Elaboration and diffusion of a 'code of conduct' for the access to and sustainable use of microbial resources within the framework of the convention on biological diversity


Microbial resources are of major interest to the well-being of mankind, both in developed and developing countries, as micro-organisms play a key role by there sustainable use for biotechnological applications in: -the health sector (e.g.: production of antibiotics and drugs, development of vaccines) -agriculture (e.g.: biofertilisers, bio-pesticides, post harvest control) -food (e.g.: fermented foods and drinks) -environment (e.g.: bioremediation of pollution in water, soil and air) -energy (e.g.: bioethanol, biogas) Easy access to and international circulation of these microbial resources are in consequence crucial to ensure a sustainable development in the industrial and developpinq countries as foreseen in the Convention on Bioloaical Diversity (CBD. Rio de Janeiro. 5 June 1992).
The CBD aims at the conservation of biological diversity, the sustainable use of its components and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising from the use of genetic resources (art. 1). To this end the CBD regulates, among other things, in general and in non-operational terms. the access to genetic resources (art.15) the transfer of technology (art. 16,18 &19) and the equitable sharing of benefits (art.15 &19).
From a practical point of view, microbiologists, in particular those associated with culture collections. as well as industries prospecting microbial resources, need in this respect: ù to obtain a 'Prior Informed Consent'-PlC (art.15.5) from a competent authority of the country of origin, in order to obtain an authorization to access strains in situ, from nature and/or ex situ, from collections; ù to agree on material and technology transfer as well as benefit sharing modalities on the basis of so called 'Mutually Agreed Terms'-MATs (art. 15.4).
In the interest of the sustainable development of both European and Developing countries, there is a need for a Code of Conduct dealing with these different matters in a pragmatical way, while fully complying with the rules of the CBD and other international conventions(art.22!.
The objective of this project is to draw up such a Code of Conduct which should represent a consensus obtained between a balanced group of representatives from North and South. as well as from governmental authorities. culture collections. industries and environmental NGOs.
The MOSAICC Code of Conduct will serve as a model contract, including model forms of e.g. Prior Informed Consent, Material Transfer Agreement, etc. First. it would be applied on a voluntary basis by European culture collections and industries. In a second stage this Code of Conduct could be presented at the Conference of Parties (COP) of the CBD with a view to its wider discussion with other countries and its eventual adoption under the form of a protocol (art.28) of the CBD. To reach this end an underpinning strategy will be conceived and launched,. MOSAICC will be widely disseminated, both in printed and electronic (Internet) form.

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