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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-04-16


Exploitable results

Predictive modelling tools have been developed to be used in injection moulding and related processes like reactive injection moulding (RIM), structural RIM (SRIM), transfer moulding (TM) and resin transfer moulding (RTM). Almost all software developed has been implemented in a software package named VIp. It can be considered as the most advanced and, more importantly, experimentally validated moulding simulation code available. VIp calculates the pressure gradients in the 2-dimensional midplane of the curved, thin product and the velocity, temperature and density distributions in full 3 dimensions. Apart from this , the code is capable of predicting frozen in flow induced stresses, thermal stresses, warpage, particle paths, reactive systems and anisotropy in the mould. The solution of the particle tracking problem revealed its relevance for simulating other properties of injection moulded products that are related to the total deformation history of particles. The modelling tools are useful for all modelling techniques where quality is worth investigation. Multilayer moulding technologies, or better multicomponent techniques, can be used in different industrial applications. Exploitation and marketing of products made via the multicomponent moulding technique is at an early stage.

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