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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-04-30

An Integrated Design, Synthesis and Optimisation Approach for Efficient Chemical Process Configurations Combining Reaction and Distillation

Exploitable results

In the project, a mathematical basis of a computer aided tool DESIGNER for the simulation and design of RD columns has been created. DESIGNER has been delivered to all industrial partners. Another tool, SYNTHESISER, has been developed. It allows rapid evaluation of the feasibility of RD for new products and processes, i.e. when and how to use RD. In addition, both these software products have been linked through a common user interface to provide. Further, several new catalyst, catalyst supports and reactive trays for RD applications have been tested. VLE and reaction kinetic experiments in laboratory scale have been performed and the relevant models from those experiments developed. The advantages of DESIGNER are based on the direct account of mass and heat transport velocities (rate-based approach), multicomponent mass transport description via the Maxwell-Stefan equations, consideration of a large spectrum of reactions (homogeneous and heterogeneous; slow, average and fast; equilibrium and kinetically controlled), reaction account in both bulk and film phases, availability of different hydrodynamic models and a large choice of hydrodynamic and mass transfer correlations for various types of column internals (trays, random and structured packings, catalytic packings). The main advantages of all developed software tools are their flexibility and open character allowing easy adaptation to various column configurations and process conditions. Extensive experimental program on laboratory and also on large scale pilot units have been performed. New catalyst types, reactive trays and new catalyst support have also been tested and improved during the project. It is expected that some of these will become commercially available in very near future.

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