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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE
Contenuto archiviato il 2024-04-30

Development of a computer based methodology for the prediction of the in-service performance of wear-resistant coatings


In the first stage of the project a complete and detailed programme of experimental work was carried out to characterise the coatings in terms of microstructure and mechanical properties. In addition, the coating performance in laboratory wear tests was characterised. This work was highly successful and informative and generated a large amount of important information on these new classes of materials. An integral part of this work was the development and optimisation of the coating deposition processes for these applications and the development of new experimental techniques to aid characterisation of such thin structures.
Many traditional materials are unsuitable for the harsh conditions experienced by high performance engineering components. The use of coatings however can enhance the performance and thus extend thc applicability of these materials without having to resort to more expensive new generation exotic matcrials. Difficulties in selecting and assessing the reliability of coatings for particular applications have been a major barrier to large scale application of surface treatment processes. The aim of this basic research proposal is to develop a validated computer based methodology for prediction of the in-service mechanical performance of wear-resistant coated components. The methodology will take the form of standard finite element analysis combined with special wear prediction models. The wear prediction models will be devoloped using a fully integrated micro-macro programme of modelling and experimentation. This will include a quantification of the effect of coating process parameters and in-service conditions. At the microscale the mechanisms of wear and delamination will be examined using finite element techniques in conjunction with ductile failure criteria. The micromechanical models will then be linked with the macroscopic wear behaviour of the coated materials. Two different types of coatings will be investigated: thin coatings of the solid lubricant type applicd using magnetron sputtering and thick coatings applied using thermal or plasma spraying Thc models will be validated on laboratory samples and the methodology will be validated on actual components under operating conditions. The methodology will enable designers to predict the lifetime of coated components. It will also assist them in designing the coating system itself by guiding the optimisation of coating/substrate combinations and process parameters. Using such a methodology, component time to market could be cut by approximately 30% and, through optimisation of process parameters for a given applications component life could be increased by up to 30%

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Meccanismo di finanziamento

CSC - Cost-sharing contracts


National University of Ireland, Galway
Contributo UE
Nessun dato

90 Galway

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Partecipanti (6)