CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-05-07

Fibre optic sensors - european network


The on-line resource center is available for public use on the internet at This public forum gives information about the network, its activities, how FOS can and has been applied to industrial problems and the potential for FOS. As part of this on-line facility the following services are offered: - A searchable index of partners within the network and their organizations. - An on-line index (with summary) of fibre optic sensor related activity. - A contact ‘forum’ where suggestions for collaboration, request for information, and questions may be posed directly to the expertise pool of FOS_EN. - A database of all FOS related activity funded by the EU. End users and manufacturing organizations will find this access to a pool of expertise by outside manufacturers / end-users invaluable in making time and cost savings when trying to find solutions to their current requirements, and will lead to the take-up of EU generated technology. The secondary function is to maintain, and raise, awareness of this technology and its capabilities within the EU.

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