CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-06-12

A network on process safety


Other EC-funded projects asked to use Safetynet as one part of their dissemination and exploitation plan. It is not possible or it makes no sense for those projects to build up their own Internet distribution service with a similar number of interested users. Therefore Safetynet has integrated a new application called “Other EC-projects”. Safetynet has developed and is developing different databases. The database "measurement values" offers a list of possible measurement values in relation to the cluster. If a supplier offers to measure one value, he has the possibility to submit a data sheet describing the method including the address of the responsible contact person to the database. Each user can link on the different measurement values and he will get a list of the organisations working in this field. Further databases on PhD-work, research areas, software and services with the same procedure has been published.
The distribution of the newsletter started in April 1999 to less than 100 addresses. The newsletter in August 2001 was distributed to about 530 addresses. Most of the people subscribed to the newsletter by themselves and each month about 20 additional people were still subscribing by the time of the project's final report in Autumn 2001. Therefore the newsletter was found an excellent medium to distribute information to interested people all over the world. The newsletter contains information about Safetynet, published papers, events, news from the EC, research projects and literature, useful process safety links, standardisation and co-operations.
The use of the web-site started in January 1999 with about 200 users per month and a monthly download volume of about 18 MB. In 2001 an average of 3500 users per month visited the web-site and the download volume increased to about 700MB per month. Some papers have been download on average about 80 times per month with a total download of 500-600 times. The final reports of other EC-projects have been downloaded more than 500 times. In total 60 full text papers and 30 newsletters has been published and distributed.

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