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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE
Contenuto archiviato il 2024-06-11

Interactive total support and guidance for effective management of health and safety in manufacturing smes

Exploitable results

The aim of the ITSAFE project was to develop a practical software-based tool-set to support daily management of health and safety management in small companies, and thereby improve their health and safety performance. Health and safety issues are very important to many small companies, as the costs due to inadequate health and safety management can be very large. It is estimated that losses due to inadequate health and safety management in Europe are over 10 billion EURO per year. In response, the EU and member state government agencies have greatly increased the amount of legislation, guidelines and regulations on health and safety. SMEs have to comply with the legislation as do larger companies, but without the depth of resources, which causes a lot of problems. SMEs need a practical set of tools to cope with the health and safety management and help them to comply with legislation. The results of the project are a methodology and software-based tool-set which fully supports the operational management of an effective health and safety management system. This brings benefits of a structured approach to health and safety management, more efficient working and access to the most up-to-date relevant health and safety information. The ITSAFE tool-set comprises a simple enterprise and personnel description module and health and safety planner to assist SMEs in setting up an efficient health and safety system. SMEs are able to document their procedures and guidelines using the ITSAFE system. Having done this, they are able to monitor the health and safety activities and ensure that personnel are correctly trained for the health and safety tasks, which they have to perform. ITSAFE also has an up-to-date health and safety reference model, consisting of the EU and national regulations and containing all the sector-relevant further legislation and guidelines. SMEs therefore have a one-source access to the health and safety information they need. The results also include a guidance module, which provides on-line assistance for all of the daily health and safety management tasks. Benefits are that small companies are able to manage their Health and safety procedures better. This provides benefits to the workforce in terms of safer and better working conditions. Companies also benefit in taking less risks in terms of prosecutions and the potential major costs of inadequate health and safety.

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