CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-04-19

Autonomous Window Cleaner for High Buildings


The project aims to develop a cable-suspended system that can be remote controlled to move vertically and horizontally on the surface of a high building and operate window cleaning.
It can be concluded that AUTOWIND has fully reached its goals, succeeding in demonstrating the feasibility of a teleoperated window-cleaning system, comprising an important number of mechanical hydraulic, electrical, electronic and software components. The complexity of the required research and overall integration for such a system rates the AUTOWIND project well beyond the level of the results of a typical project of the CRAFT type.
It is largely expected that industrial versions of the AUTOWIND system will be manufactured and sold in the near future by members of the consortium for a number of cleaning-related applications.
A stationary guiding system will be mounted at the edge of the roof of the building comprising a specially conceived rail. A tele-operated, motorized chariot will travel on the rail, having the motorized cable-suspended washing unit hanging from it.

The washing unit will include a supporting frame with four appendages regulating its distance from the window surface, providing adequate stabilization using adherence on the window or wall surface. The washing procedure will take place with the unit stablized (in stop) against the window panel/section. The tele-operator will then define a "window-frame" through low-resolution video or other sensor means and the system will generate the optimal brush/wiper trajectories for the cleaning. The procedure will be repeated for the following panel/section.


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Cybernetic Technology
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13,Rue de Limauge
1040 Bruxelles

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