CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-05-07

Data assimilation in readiness for ENVISAT

Exploitable results

The DARE project is a European Union, (EU) funded Concerted Action among whose objectives are: to co-ordinate the interaction between European -groups in order to build a capability in data assimilation to process Envisat data for the atmosphere, and thereby to improve the quality and cost-effectiveness of the data. to identify data products that can be produced by data assimilation to facilitate the exploitation of Envisat data by a diverse user community. The DARE Concerted Action was partly motivated by the perceived lack of a European centre to co-ordinate data assimilation activities to exploit the wealth of data that will be produced by the European programme of research satellites, including. ESA's forthcoming Envisat satellite. Such a co-ordination, centre would be able to build on the expertise of the world-leading, European weather agencies such as the UK Met Office (UKMO), the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) and M6t6o-France. The UKMO is a DARE partner, and ECMWF and M6t6o-France have close links with the DARE partners. The DARE partners, in collaboration with partners in the Satellite Ozone Data Assimilation (SODA) EU protect (SODA has finished and was co-ordinated by KNMI), and Envisat science and/or instrument teams, have submitted a data assimilation proposal to call EESD-ENV-99-2 (deadline 15 February 2000). This proposal is entitled "Data assimilation from research satellites" (DANAE).

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