To validate and develop a prototype quantitative safety management audit and compare natural differences including north-south EC variations in land-use planning and safety management.
It brings together regulators, industry and research workers in a unique manner so that the needs of all participants in the system can be met. The prototype audit has been developed by a group of established experts and has a demonstrable empirical and theoretical basis. Also, an early version of the audit has been applied, and shown to give robust estimates of the quality of safety management.
The programme of work includes applying the audit to a series of plants and using both plant performance data and attitude survey results to validate and calibrate the audit as well as make the aforementioned comparisons.
Industrial partners have already indicated a wish to offer sites for auditing. The work builds on the results of research already funded by the UK's Health and Safety Executive and by the Netherlands governmental authority VROM to understanding the influences of management and organisational factors on the management of risk, to develop techniques for auditing safety management systems and to include the results of the audit in risk assessment.
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S3 7HQ Sheffield
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