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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-04-19

Effects of extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMF) on cancer: a European feasibility study


1) To investigate the necessity and feasibility of an European epidemiologic study on the possible effects of ELF-EMF on childhood and adult cancers based on status of current and results of previous projects.

2) To evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of several alternative or complementary epidemiologic approaches to study possible effects of ELF-EMF on childhood and adult cancers.

3) To provide protocols for the study (studies) considered feasible and beneficial.

Several approaches to the study of ELF-EMF and cancer at a European level will be considered. Such approaches will include the use of routine statistics, the conduct or re-analysis of analytic studies and combinations of the two. More specifically these approaches will include :

1) A pooled analysis of case-control studies of ELF-EMF and childhood cancer conducted or now on-going in different European countries. The methodology of this will incorporate ad hoc validation studies for comparability of exposure measurements.

2) The design and implementation of a new multicentric case-control study in European countries using a standardized protocol with agreed quality requirements. Important aspects of this design will be exposure assessment and control selection issues.

3) The establishment of a large cohort of exposed persons formed by special groups which may be found in several countries (e.g. students in schools located under or near high power transmission lines) to be followed longitudinally.

4) A study using small area statistics methodology. This will require a map showing high voltage lines and population statistics on a small area basis.

5) The investigation of the possibility to use routine statistics available to evaluate long-term trends in cancer incidence in relation to relevant exposures.

6) The investigation of exposures near reported leukaemia clusters.

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