Water catchments are "bundles" of natural resources and ecological services whose sustainable management requires continuous balancing and integration of social, economic and ecological factors in a complex process through statutory and non-coercive measures. "Social learning" is central to non-coercion (and important in the fulfilment of the EU Directive on Catchments Management) but its successful conduct needs to be much better understood. This reasoning applies equally to the co-management of natural resources of concern to the EU like national or coastal zones. The project assembles a multidisciplinary group of researchers of diverse perspectives to work alongside stakeholders. They will study social learning through stakeholders in catchments of different type, scale and socio-economic situation, and develop and test the usefulness of social tools and methods developed from their research and in other spheres, such as soft-systems analysis. The output will be strategic planning methodologies and social tools for the integrated management of water as catchments or river-basin scale and other "bundles" of natural resources.
Aufforderung zur Vorschlagseinreichung
Data not availableFinanzierungsplan
CSC - Cost-sharing contractsKoordinator
Vereinigtes Königreich