The principal objective of the CHEMVAL 2 database project is the production of an extended, reviewed thermodynamic data compilation applicable to geochemical modelling studies in the EC member states. The database will be fully referenced to source and emphasise radio-elements and other chemical components of relevance to radioactive waste disposal.
The continued need for a centralised database facility is clear and encompasses:
- data review for elements not currently included in the database
- coordination and compilation of data arising from the CHEMVAL 2 activities and parallel research work coordinated within the CEC CoCo (Colloids and Complexes) activities.
- data management, primarily the collation and dissemination of frozen data sets.
Work programme:
The work programme comprises three separate stages reflecting the various phases of the CHEMVAL 2 project:
Stage 1 agreement on scope of data reviews; establishment of format for database and its mode of distribution
Stage 2 collation and review of thermodynamic data; annual issue of frozen data sets; coordination and management of less quantitative information arising from CHEMVAL 2 and related projects.
Stage 3 final reporting.
Wissenschaftliches Gebiet
- engineering and technologyother engineering and technologiesnuclear engineeringnuclear waste management
- natural sciencescomputer and information sciencesdatabases
- engineering and technologyenvironmental engineeringwaste management
- natural sciencesphysical sciencescondensed matter physicssoft matter physics
Aufforderung zur Vorschlagseinreichung
Data not availableFinanzierungsplan
CSC - Cost-sharing contractsKoordinator
KT18 5BW Epsom
Vereinigtes Königreich