The objective of the project is to undertake a collaborative applied research programme on the problem of occupational health and environmental hygiene and safety in small and medium size enterprises in Greece, with the imput on the part of the applicant. The applicant (Prof. 1. Figa - Talamanca), is a specialist and a professor of Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene in the Departments of Industrial Chemistry and Biology of the University of Rome, who has conducted extensive research on this topic in col- laberation with the Italian National Council of Artisans (CNA). The applicant will help the colleagues of the Uni- versity of Athens to set up analogous studies in Greece. The University of Athens department of Chemistry is inte- rested in the project, and has the necessary laboratory facilities for the determination of levels of the indoor environmental pollution (ex. VOCs and heavy metals) in small and medium size companies. The study will comprise both the environmental evaluation as well as the possible health effects and the protective measures practiced in the workplaces sampled. The Confederation of Small and Medium Size Enterprises of Greece has endorsed the project and has promised its collaboration. (See attached letter).
Wissenschaftliches Gebiet
Aufforderung zur Vorschlagseinreichung
Data not availableFinanzierungsplan
RGI - Research grants (individual fellowships)Koordinator
15771 Athens