CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-05-07

A market place for textile images and patterns

Exploitable results

Inspirational as well as practical, TISSUS provides an on-line bank for textile images and patterns by merging existing databases. This merger allows TISSUS to offer services not available with traditional image banks. TISSUS's contents include historical images, as well as new ones created by young designers looking to promote their work through telematic presentations. TISSUS manages existing databases stored on a UNIX or NT computer. The system uses a service for information retrieval, as well as for image processing, ordering and/or reserving access to high-quality images. It is largely the result of integrating existing technologies to create a new kind of service rather than new technical research. Several standard database technologies are used, namely AIRS, CITED and SYBASE. The pilot programme currently underway has set up image bank sites in France (Paris & Lyon), Greece and Italy. These four sites hosting TISSUS are exploiting the service independently within the textile industry and libraries. In addition to the textile industry, TISSUS has potential for use in any industry to illustrate two-dimensional raw material and provide better contact with customers.
TISSUS has established a distributed image bank, which is accessed by end users via a web based telematic application. The information stored in this database aims at the clothing, decoration and textiles markets with relevance to their technical descriptions. Collections of images are provided by two servers, one located in France and the other in Italy. End users are able to gain access to a great number of material collections on-line, by viewing them and their summarized descriptions. From the point of view of collection providers (museums, schools, and associations), the TISSUS bank ensures a wider spreading of their patrimony as well as financial resources in the form of royalties received whenever the information is commercialized. This way TISSUS provides a cost-effective way for end users, customers and providers alike to use this service. TISSUS has also developed a notion for copyrighting management through a system interfacing information retrieval related to the stored images. For a secure system for image management, the TISSUS project uses the model specified in the ESPRIT project CITED, which is a secure database service managed in a trusted environment.

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