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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-05-15

Inaugural Euroconference: Eastern Mediterranean Region of the International Biometric Society.


Biostatistics is a vital part of the science of medicine and biology and lies at the heart of the design, analysis and interpretation of research studies in those fields. Its application to the conduct of clinical trials of new therapies is recognized as paramount by drug regulating agencies in Europe and America. Its central role in the establishment of generic and environmental causes of disease (epidemiology) is recognized by public health experts around the world. The International Biometric Society (IBS) is the primary international organization for biostatistics. The Society divides itself into geographical Regions. Until now there has been no Region of the Society in the Eastern Mediterranean, and no mechanism for biostatisticians in this region to meet together. This conference will be the inaugural meeting the new Eastern Mediterranean Region of the IBS. The conference will bring together internationally recognized biostatisticians from Europe and America to meet and discuss currently important topics in biostatistics with biostatisticians in the Eastern Mediterranean area.

The conference will emphasize building contacts between the participants for future collaboration and training, both within the Eastern Mediterranean and outside. The conference will address several themes that are both important and the subject of current research. These will include: within the topic of clinical trials, the design and analysis of bioequivalence studies, methods of interim analysis, multiple endpoints, and survival analysis; and within the topic of epidemiology, longitudinal analysis, multiple endpoints, and model selection. The role of statistics in drug regulation will be emphasized.

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Type of Event: Euro Conference
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This event takes place in Athens


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