ONLI will link Technology Parks, Universities, and Technology Transfer Centres in a European virtual one-stop-shop network to provide on-line services related to Innovation Management, Technology Transfer, and Spin-off Support to European SMEs. Through telematic tools, SMEs can instantly access on-line technology matches, training, consultancy, self-assessment tools, success stories, best practices, and information links. On-Line Innovation will apply, use, and validate Innovation Management tools in the thematic areas of Technology Audit, Technology Clinic/Networking, Technology DataBase and Watch, Technology Assessment, Financing of Innovation, and Marketing of Innovation. These tools will be selected from tools included in other Innovation Programs and will be adjusted to the specific requirement of each of the participating countries. It will integrate fragmented expertise and create a showcase for European best practices with each partner integrating their expertise.
The steps to be followed include:
- For the six thematic areas of this project available tools will be reviewed and the most appropriate ones will be selected;
- Software development for the interlinking of the four web sites and the software development for the on-line training tool for each of the thematic area. One partner from each country will adapt all of the tools selected to the particularities of the operating environment in his/her country considering differences in the business and socio-economic environmen;
- During this Stage, partners will prepare the elements to be included in their country's interface.
These elements will include on-line tools for the SMEs adjusted to the particularities of the environment of each of the participating countries. Promotion of the project to the SMEs in each country and in Europe takes place during this stage.
By the end of the project the result will be a virtual one-stop shop for Innovative services to SMEs linking four WWW sites developed by Technology Parks in four E.U. countries. Six on-line tools (Technology Audit, Technology Clinics/Networking, Technology Dada Base & Technology watch, Technology Assessment, Financing of Innovation, Marketing of Innovation) will be available to European SMEs along with on-line services including: General information on innovation, Case studies, best practice and success stories, Links to relevant sites, DataBase screening and analysis, On-line consultancy, and On-line training.
Data not availableAufforderung zur Vorschlagseinreichung
Data not availableFinanzierungsplan
Data not availableKoordinator