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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-05-27

Entanglement in Quantum Information Processing and Communication


We propose a research consortium on the theoretical foundations of quantum information processing and communication (QIPC). The focus will be on quantum mechanical entanglement, which is the key-resource for QIPC. The main objective is to advance the theory of bi-partite entanglement and to develop a theory of multi-partite entanglement which would ultimately provide the basis for the future technological application of quantum mechanics in information processing and communication. Information theoretic chracterisation of entaglement will be developed, and its physical implementation in communication and computation will be established. Results are expected on optimal coding/decoding in quantum channel communication, suppression of decoherence in quantum cmputation and communication, and on scalable quantum computer and communication line repeater.

To provide the basis for the application of entanglement and other quantum mechanical elements in the future technologies of information processing and communication:
- To indentify useful types of entangelement and to develop models for their physical implementation;
- To quantify the add-on value of entaglement and to optimise the quantum-classical interface;
- To develop robust schemes of entanglement manipulation for longer distance and secure quantum communication;
- To explore advanced quantmm mechanical effects for the development of an elementary scalable quantum computer.

The project comprises theoretical investigations on the add-on value of entanglement and its optimal use for the tasks of quantum information processing und communication. The objectives are addressed in two interrelated research-areas "characterization" and "implementation". Research-area "characterization" aims to build a theoretical framework for the characterization of quantum mechanical entanglement in the context of information sciences.

Research will be pursued along the following action lines:
1.1 indentify properties of entanglement which are useful in QIPC;
1.2 quantify the add-on value of entanglement in QIPC;
1.3 clarify the relation of QIPC to thermodynamics and classical information theory.

Research-area "implementation" adresses the physical implementation of entanglement-based QIPC. Research will be conducted along the following action lines:
2.1 utilize advanced physical effects for the production and manipulation of entanglement;
2.2 seek physical means to stabilize and to protect entanglement against decoherence;
2.3 optimise the quantum-classical interface and channel capacity Research will be pursued in a highly connected, interdisciplinary and transnational European network of 17 participating organizations including universities, public research centres and industry. Work will be conducted in close collaboration with other projects in the IST/FET-P1.

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