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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-05-24

Trust Frame For Electronic Documents Exchange Between European Judicial Operators


Civil procedural system for the resolution of conflicts, is by definition, a complex system, where several organizations interrelationed to each other take part, developing its activity following procedures very varied. Owing to the fact the judicial system has great secure and confidential requirements and procedures very established, always it has been very reluctant to the introduction of the new IST. The official communications between the Courts and the Attorneys and these with the Registrars, continuous being through certificated mail, and mainly, personally.

This fact entails the following problems:
- Slowness in the processes;
- Possibility of mistakes and loss;
- Lack of security;
- responsibility identification and trust, as well as
- historic registers maintenance and Task duplicity.

These problems will increase when the constitution of the global market is real. At this moment, very near, the market between European countries will increase substantially. That will create a rise in the communication between European Mercantile and Land Registrars. Additionally, if a dynamic communication, between the European Judicial operators is the target, the adaptation of the regulation of each country to a European regulation and to the standards is a new problem that is necessary to resolve.

The general objective is to speed up the procedures and to increase the effectiveness of the quality service that the judicial operators, specifically Registrars and Attorneys, render to the society, through the use of secure and confidential Internet communications. To achieve this general objective during this project there are going: to develop a Internet communication, secure, confidential, scalable and interoperable, between the Registrars and Attorneys into the methodology that is going to be implemented in Zaragoza (Spain) and between specific registrars of Spain, France and Portugal, To spread the results in European companies and judicial agents.

The specific objectives are:

- To develop a Internet communication, secure, confidential, scalable and interoperable, between the Registrars and Attorneys into the methodology that is going to be implemented in Zaragoza (Spain) and between specific registrars of Spain, France and Portugal.
- To establish agreements of cross certification between the different infrastructures of public key, where the emitted certificates between judicial operators are supported.
- To apply the European Directives and the standards about electronic signature into the Internet communication, considering the guidelines of the Law State in the countries involved.
- To extend this experience in the Judicial Ministry of the participant countries.
- To spread the results in European companies and judicial agents.
- To promote the incorporation of this standards to the European Normalisation Entities and the respective governments.
- To contribute to create a frame trust in Internet, using the judicial system, a sector very demanding, in security and trust, as driving force in the use of Internet.

Work description:
The consortium of this project, is co-ordinated by TBS, supplier company of the communication, object of the business case of the project, collaborating, directly with subcontractor companies (possibly with the company BALTIMORE) that contribute with their knowledge in security and confidentiality in communications, they are specializing in PKI. The University of Zaragoza, will participate in the development and design of the business case, contributing with its knowledge in the legal aspects, so important in the design of the communication system in this project. The judicial services and the users are represented by the following partner, with the number 2 Colegio de Registradores (Spain), 3 Greffe de Tribunal de Commerce de Paris (France), 4 Consejo de Procuradores (Spain) and 5 Camara dos Solicitadores (Portugal), covering the European Southwest and a geographical area with a great relation, also in the judicial activities. Finally the partner number 6, APTICE, complements the consortium, participating in the validation of the business case and in the diffusion of the project results, at European level.

Workplan defined to develop this project, follows the logical order for the requirements analysis of the Registrars and Attorneys environment, the technology fine tuning, its implementation and validation.
The two first WP (WP1 and WP2) correspond to analysis and design from the technological and judicial environment points of view of a secure and confidential Internet communication systems between registrars and attorneys and between Registrars belonging to different countries.
In WP3, the design is validated from a legal point of view. All the designed communication system must agree with the current legal regulations of the participant countries (Spain, France and Portugal).
Once the validation is overcome the development of the solution will be started (WP4) in order to realise afterwards the trials and to obtain a beta version (WP5).
The beta version will be implemented a validated in a pilot phase in the users (WP6).
In WP 7 with the pilot trials implemented, the next step will be to measure the results to finally proceed to the project diffusion in the WP8.
WP9, includes all tasks related to the project management.

- M1 (6th month): Procedures, object of the development, validated from the point of view of the current legal regulation;
- M2 (13th month): Beta Version validated and ready to be implemented in the pilot;
- MM (10th month): Mid-term project review complying project contractual requirements.
- MF(20th month): Communications validated for the new scenarios at the end of the project.

Wissenschaftliches Gebiet

CORDIS klassifiziert Projekte mit EuroSciVoc, einer mehrsprachigen Taxonomie der Wissenschaftsbereiche, durch einen halbautomatischen Prozess, der auf Verfahren der Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache beruht.

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