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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-05-18

South-Eastern European Research & Education Networking


The South-Eastern European Research & Education Networking (SEEREN) project aims at easing the digital divide that still separates most of the South Eastern European countries from the developed world, by instigating the establishment of a proper research and educational networking environment in the region. To that end, the National Research & Education Networks (NRENs) of Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Romania and Greece will be linked via medium speed interconnections amongst hem and to the major GEANT Points of Presence in this area. This initiative will greatly benefit from the partnership with the NREN of Hungary, a major GEANT node and TERENA-DANTE. In this way, SEEREN will provide a platform for the cooperation of the scientific educational communities of EU Member States with Newly Associated Countries and 3rd Countries.

O1) Build a regional research network for South Eastern Europe research and academic community. The National Research & Education Networks (NRENs) of Albania, Bosnia - Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Greece, Romania and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia will be linked via 2-34 Mbps medium speed interconnections.
O2) Interconnect the regional research network to the major GEANT Points of Presence (PoPs) in this area and thus to the Pan-European research network. The connections to GEANT will be provided through residual capacities of GRNET, RoEduNet, HUNGARNET. The major GEANT PoPs in the region are located in Budapest, Athens, Lubljana and Vienna.
O3) Serve as a guide for future upgrades, so that all regional NRENs will be able to participate in GEANT and be part of the European "e-Science" distributed platform.
O4) Ease the "digital divide" that still separates most of the South Eastern European countries from the developed world. Build awareness of IST in SE Europe non-EU countries and serve as a paradigm for bridging the digital divide in other areas. Provide a platform for cooperation of scientific/educational communities of EU Member States with Newly Associated States (NAS) and 3rd Countries.
O5) Exploit and disseminate the results. Investigate additional sources of funding from the EC, from EU States national funds and international organizations that are actively involved in the SE Europe region, such as UNESCO and NATO.

Work description:
W1) Administrative & technical management, assessment and evaluation of work, reporting (WP0).
W2) Subcontracts preparation and signing with Albanian, Bosnian-Herzegovina, FYROM, Bulgarian and Yugoslavian NRENs (WP0).
W3) Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) document drafted and agreed upon for use of infrastructure (WP0).
W4) Regional network requirements definition based on questionnaire that will be prepared and sent to all NRENs of the regional network (WP1).
W5) Consultations with providers of the SE Europe region to acquire estimates for the network cost (WP1).
W6) Based on feedback (4, 5) candidate topologies will be designed (WP1).
W7) Preparation of tender documentation, invitation to tender. The procurement will follow EU legislature. (WP2).
W8) Evaluation of offers technically and financially, selection of suppliers (WP2).
W9) Final negotiations with the selected providers, refining implementation plans (WP2).
W10) Implementation of regional network operating at moderate speeds in the range of 2 - 34 Mbps (WP3).
W11) Definition of acceptance tests for connection lines and equipment, ensuring their required quality-performance, configuring the network elements so as to use the regional network and ensuring the stable operation of the network by day-to-day supervision (WP3). The operation of the physical links that directly connect two SE Europe NRENs will be managed by the respective NRENs Network Operations Centres (NOCs). The operation of the physical links that connect a participating NREN with a new PoP or connects two new PoPs will be managed by a company that will be selected by the tender process.
W12) Promote the use of SEEREN by informing the appropriate user groups through special events such as organizing workshops, distributing publicity material, delivering presentations at scientific conferences, setting demonstrations in academic events, all aiming at presenting the new opportunities provided by SEEREN. Individual NRENs will carry out complementary promotional activities in their national user communities as well as participate in activities at the European level (WP4).
W13) Establish relations with organizations that are actively involved in the SE Europe region, such as UNESCO and NATO, in order to work out common visions towards reducing the "digital divide" in the Region under question, i.e. the information and technological gaps within the region, as well as between the region and the advanced European countries (WP4).
W14) Look for other possible sources of funding including the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) of the OECD, the Stability Pact and other European programmes such as INTERREG, PHARE and CARDS. Extra funding will be used so as to ensure network's viability beyond the project's lifetime (WP4).
W15) Assessment of project results (WP4). This activity will be assisted by an Industrial Advisory Board.

M1) Kick-off meeting (month 0),
M2) Subcontracts established with NRENs (month 3),
M3) NRENs requirements collected and analyzed (month 2),
M4) Technical and operational requirements analysed (month 3),
M5) SEEREN promotional package available (month 3),
M6) Tender prepared (month 5),
M7) Final selection of suppliers (month 8),
M8) Operation of the Regional network offering to all NRENs decent GEANT visibility (month 9),
M9) Stable network operation (month 12),
M10) SEEREN workshop proceedings (month 16),
M11) Final project audit (month 18)

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