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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-06-12



The main objectives of the PROMOTIQ project were to identify the opportunities and the barriers for actors to evolve towards a new generation of door-to-door transport services and to propose guidelines for their promotion and their establishment in the market. The aim of a new generation of services and operators is to reduce friction costs, to favour modal integration and logistics operations along a chain and to improve the quality performance. PROMOTIQ results can be very useful because they help to understand the current situation of the European intermodal transport and the major trends that will influence the requirements of the transport system for the next couple of years. The guidelines for new intermodal services and implementation plan are directed to policy-makers at all levels (European Commission, national, regional and local) and are divided in: Common for all issues guidelines (horizontal elements): 1. Fair and efficient pricing. 2. Establish pan-European regulator for intermodal transport (in order to harmonise the liberalisation in the EU member states, to harmonise and to ease the regularities for the access to the infrastructure). 3. Encourage public-private partnerships and greater collaboration between the main actors of an intermodal transport chain with the main change being the active involvement of the shipper. 4. Limited subsidies for the establishment of new intermodal transport services. 5. Establish intermodal standards. 6. “Advertise” intermodal standards. 7. Continue R&D activities on intermodal transport. 8. Interoperability. 9. Continuation of PACT programme. 10. Promote the use of EDI. 11. Organise intermodal transport round tables. Specific issues elements: Rail traction provision elements: 1. Accessibility to rail infrastructure. 2. Capacity allocation. 3. Priority of freight trains and dedicated freight lines. Short distance services elements: 4. Establish favourable rates for short distance services. Small shipments elements: 5. Establish dimensions of loading units appropriate for small shipments. New quality market elements: 6. Establish high quality/capacity rail link between terminals and main rail links. Integration of air transport elements: 7. Improve rail links to airport. Short sea shipping elements: 8. Improve SSS network connectivity. 9. Improve the image of SSS. Based on these guidelines, PROMOTIQ Consortium presented also the responsible actor or group of actors to undertake and monitor the action. Finally the project provided an indication of the timeframe and the costs for the implementation of each action previously presented. More info from the following URL: (click here).

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