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Contenuto archiviato il 2024-04-19

World long-term energy systems: a model and global outlook for european strategies

Exploitable results

The main aim of this project was to develop a World Energy Model, the POLES model, with explicit sectors and technologies, to provide insights for the definition of future CO2 reduction and R&D strategies. This model enables the evaluation of potential EU energy strategies and policies to consider the long-term and global perspectives. It enables the consideration of, for example, the global demand/supply balance and the constraints imposed on global energy consumption by environmental issues, such as climate change. It has also improved the scenario modelling approach, by extending the realistic character of both inputs and outputs in such a way that they now account for elements of uncertainty. The project was developed to fulfil four main objectives: to produce a system of detailed world energy modelling and scenarios; to provide elements for global analysis of emissions reductions strategies from an international perspective; to provide insights for the definition of appropriate R&D strategies; and to analyse the impacts of emission reduction strategies on the international energy market.

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