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Inhalt archiviert am 2024-04-19

Renewable energies in architecture and design application of advanced solar technology

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Nowadays cities grow without any concern for the environment or the quality of lifeof their citizens and both materials and energy are used in uncontrolled quantities.The way in which cities are planned and designed needs to be changed if thissituation is to be reversed and the role of architecture in this process is fundamental.An architect can make a significant contribution to the initiation of change throughthe design of buildings, which, for example integrate solar technologies. Theobjective of the READ project (Renewable Energy in Architecture and Design)application of advanced solar technology - was to establish a forum and network ofpractising architects throughout Europe in order to prepare for the ultimatebreakthrough of environmentally-responsible architecture. The main aim is to achievean effective promotion of current ideas and foster the development of new conceptsamong the architectural community at large.
There is now much interest in utilising the "envelope" of buildings to make the most of available sunlight. In summer months, for example, an office needs to belight without becoming unbearably hot. Such a situation happens all too often andnecessitates costly air conditioning. In winter months, with the diminished intensityof the sun, the same office needs to make the most of the sun's rays withoutradiating out its own internal heat. Such requirements demand a mixture of adaptableand static solar components that are integrated into the building envelope.

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