CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-04-19

EUROpean interface to COCOSDA

Exploitable results

The unifying EuroCocosda infrastructure has been successfully achieved for concerted European contribution to the work of the main Cocosda world group, and a unique platform provided for the interactive presentation of European work in the world context. While the evolution of European work has made formal links inappropriate, parallel work in SpeechDat and at an international standards level has been the object of EuroCocosda collaboration. The theoretical bases for this area of activity have also evolved but the new developments have been encompassed within the project. Pioneering work has been done in coordinating the European component of the natural language (NL)-Speech Cocosda initiative and the TED corpus has been acquired and formatted as a compact disc read only memory (CDROM) for world-wide dissemination. The project has served as an invaluable focus for many developments, both those emerging in Europe and those internationally concerning questions of resources and standards - for example SAM standards in SpeechDat and in China.

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