CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-04-19

An integrated approach for determining NW European coastal extremes


Information requirements for modern coastal management and engineering design require a statistical characterisation of the impact of storms on the shoreline or coastal structure. NEPTUNE is intended to develop a consistent multivariate description of the hydraulic parameters involved which properly take physical constraints and spatial coherence into account. A central feature of the proposed methodology recognised the importance of integrating the links between coastal extremes and the causative storms involved.
The concept of a more deterministically based statistical framework linking storms, sea state and coastal morphology will provide the basis for moving towards a more unified approach in determining coastal extremes for NW Europe.

The study objectives will be achieved through several stages:
1. Establish two coastal demonstrator zones with distinctly different storm attack characteristics, one on the UK West coast and one on the Netherland coast.

2. Investigate the local and regional storm climate associated with generation of extreme coastal impact in respective demonstrator zones and develop a parametric representation of the storm meteorology for classification and correlation with sea state extremes.

3. Use hydrodynamic models to simulate storm generated extreme sea states offshore and their transformation to shore. Investigate ways to parameterise the model responses and assess modelling uncertainties with regard to existing field data.

4. Using the two different demonstrator zones, develop a generic framework and associated milltivariate models for describing joint statistics of coastal extremes allowing for relationships between storm climate and coastal response. Review the application of existing methods and integration of historical data within the new framework .

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