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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-06-10

Advanced integrated sensors


Rapid development has occurred over the past decade in the field of adaptive or smart structures and systems due, amongst other things, to the development and improvement of advanced data processing, actuators and sensors. Rather than conventional passive devices, smart structures and systems require advanced sensors with integrated functions: a data processing capability to increase the pre-processing of data; indirect measurement methods to acquire information on the state of the system itself and not only on single variables; a communication capability to exchange two-way commands and data with the possibility to interconnect with remotely accessible data monitoring systems using the Internet.

The objective of this project is to develop new indirect sensors of advanced performance which can acquire dynamic system information (displacement, velocity and acceleration) at various locations on a structure so as to locally control the structure.
The project is in progress. The hardware for the prototype sensor has been developed. The software for controlling the step-by-step motors for pointing the optical device has been designed and tested by simulation. Algorithms have been developed to analyse the dynamic behaviour of a structure and monitor its condition.
Two types of smart sensors of the same conception will be developed, using optical beam and piezoelectric measurement principles. Raw data from the sensors will be processed locally so as to provide high level information on the state of the structure being controlled to a central processing unit and to external devices. The sensors will be interfaced with telecommunications networks (telephone and public data lines) in order to have the possibility to be able to control them remotely.

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